Dog of the Week: Festive Edition


Thanksgiving is almost upon us, so it seems necessary to celebrate with a very festive pupper named Ham and a brief history of his native origin.

When English invaders first came to eastern North America in the 1500s, they first spotted this doggo. They mistakenly thought the pup was the same as another pup from the country Turkey, so they called these pups turkeys.

These pups can be commonly found in the United States roaming freely between Arizona to southeastern Oklahoma, and thence through Tennessee, West Virginia, New York, and Southern states. They originally ranged in South Dakota, Wisconsin, Ontario, and Maine; however, they migrated to other areas in search of supportive and loving homes.

Ham’s favorite holiday is Thanksgiving because his hoomans invite lots of other hoomans to his house and they give him so many smooches. Also, the hoomans make yummy food and give him his own Thanksgiving plate.

He loves taking part in holiday crafts, such as paw turkeys, paper Pilgrim hats, and anything involving feathers. Ham also enjoys letting the hoomans take turns giving him snoogles.

This year Ham made a list of all the things he is thankful for:

1. LoNg wAlkS wiTh my favOriTe hOOmaNs

2. PlAyiNg ThAt gAme witH mY faVorite HOoMans whEre i sNeAkilY aNd  SteAlTHily SteAl a socK aNd thEy CHasE Me aROuNd tHe hOusE fOr a vEry loNg TiMe uNTil theY GEt thE soCk BaCK

3. EXtrA kiSSes aNd bOopS DuRinG thE hoLidaYs

4. MY friENds aT THe pUPpeR paRK

5. SqUIrrels…………juST kIdDiNg….tREatS

Ham is a really good boy.