What do your Teachers Wish for?

If a genie were to grant you three wishes, what would they be?

I asked all of the teachers and faculty of THE Academic Magnet High School… If a genie were to grant you three wishes, what would they be?

Here are some of their replies : )

Ms. Dover

(1) That there was no Covid-19 right now.

(2) That my boyfriend was still alive here with me today.

(3) The world was a better place to live in.

Ms. Katy Metzner-Roop

(1) That I could eat chocolate every day, for every meal, and not have any health/weight problems.

(2) That I could have kittens for class pets.

(3) That all science labs smelled like beautiful flowers instead of how they really smell.

For the triumph of facts over lies.

— Mrs. Etikerentse

Mrs. Etikerentse

(1) For my candidates to win in the upcoming elections.

(2) for an end to the pandemic.

(3) For the triumph of facts over lies.

Ms. Desbrow

(1) To compel anyone to do what I want.

(2) Make the next person I see wish for whatever I want twice and once to give me back the lamp. Thereby I would accumulate +2 wishes with every person I encounter, while only wishing for one thing.

(3) When I get bored of wishing for stuff, I will wish that the genie be free provided that he/she/they do not harm anyone on this world for any of the stuff “we” all wished for.

Ms. Zerbst

(1) A do-over on my teenage years.

(2) To marry my husband ten years earlier.

(3) A villa in Kephalonia with a view of Ithaca, just steps to the sea.

Ms. Yackey

(1) World Peace.

(2) Those I love to be healthy and happy forever.

(3) To be able to fly wherever I wanted, whenever I wanted.

I wish that America had a better sense of community.

— Mr. Phillips

Mr. Phillips

(1) I wish that America had a better sense of community. I think we’d all be better off if we put our efforts into improving the circumstances of everyone (the common good?), even if this might mean subsuming some of our individual priorities.

(2) I wish that America had better infrastructure. From better water delivery in Flint, MI, to an electrical grid that could transfer power from renewable sources in Kansas to users in Delaware, we could have a significantly cleaner, healthier nation to live in.

(3) I wish high speed Internet access were available free of charge. It’s pretty much how work/banking/bill-paying/participation-in-modern-life is accomplished these days. Because we have to pay for it, not everyone has access, which keeps too many low income people from an entry point into (better?) employment and other advantages. Internet access is free in some nations (see: Korea, South), and paid internet access is resource hoarding by those who can afford it. It would offer economic empowerment to those who currently don’t have it.

Ms. Akery

(1) Work-life balance.

(2) Equity for every person.

(3) Enough money to pay off my house and daughters’ tuition for college.

Ms. Langley

(1) to bring back a healthy Leigh Snelgrove.

(2) That people would listen and talk with their vulnerable hearts instead of their ego.

(3) To take senseless suffering away from everyone.

Ms. Hurt

(1) I wish for no hunger or poverty in the world.

(2) I wish for homes for all animals.

(3) I wish to win an extremely big lottery!

Ms. Spencer

(1) To always know when someone is telling the truth!

(2) Happiness and success for my three nieces.

(3) To travel again.

Ms. Shifflette

(1) Save all of the animals.

(2) Move out West with lots of land (hence, a place to put a lot of animals).

(3) A world without judgement

I would wish for a total photographic memory.

— Mr. Garris

Mr. Garris

(1) I would wish for the ability to read, write, and speak all languages.

(2) I would wish for a total photographic memory.

(3) I would wish for the ability to teleport from one side of the Atlantic to the other.

Sra. Oliveira

(1) For no more COVID activity on our campus this year.

(2) For a society where everyone’s needs are taken seriously and cared for.

(3) For stress reduction for everyone during the pandemic.

Dr. Lupo

(1) For all puppies and kitties to have a loving home…

(2) For the pandemic to end…

(3) Obviously… everyone wants to be independently wealthy, right?

Ms. Orr

(1) Control time.

(2) Afford a monthly vacation.

(3) Retire early!

Ms. Novinger

(1) Wiser humans.

(2) Healthy Waters.

(3) Healthy Lands.

Mr. Grimshaw

(1) I wish for whirled peas, I mean world peace. I know this is a standard wish that people will say, but I truly wish that we as human beings could practice taking time to listen to what the natural world is telling us and learn from it.

(2) I wish I was a trained classical concert pianist.

(3) I wish I could dunk a basketball.

Ms. Henley

(1) I wish for a return to reason in our country.

(2) I wish for kindness and civility to prevail in our society.

(3) I wish for lots more grandchildren in my life! They are the best.

Mrs. Aydlette

(1) Everyone was kind to one another.

(2) Cure cancer.

(3) Never ending supply of money for my family and I.

Mr. Stackhouse

(1) A complete end to the COVID pandemic.

(2) World Peace.

(3) Racial Harmony

Sra. Colon

(1) Do away with Corona!

(2) Have all my students return to class safely!

(3) Someone deposit $28,356.00 into my bank account…

Ms. Do

(1) Covid 19 never happened 🙁

(2) Unfortunately, Covid 19 did happen. So, now Covid 19 PLEASE GO AWAY.

(3) Getting back to normal 🙂


You guys all had such great wishes! I hope they all come true, or things get better for you and everyone else. Students: notice how selfless all your teacher are. I admire them for this and you should too!!