A More Sustainable Way to Shop
My Experience on Poshmark

My experience on Poshmark: I first came across this app when I was searching the web for a specific dress that was sold out online. The dress had come up on Google when I was searching but it was being sold second hand on the Poshmark app. So I downloaded the app, entered all my information, and I purchased the dress. The seller of the item also added additional information about the dress, that it was only worn one time and was dry cleaned after she wore it. Which was a bonus because the dress was almost a fourth of the original price. The dress arrived quickly at my house 3 days later and in perfect condition.
I would consider myself someone who is pretty fashionable and I have an eye for unique items. I also worked in retail for over a year and got to learn about a lot of high-end brands which is what stemmed and developed my taste for a little bit more expensive clothing items. But sometimes my budget does not always allow me to spend hundreds of dollars on clothes because I only work on the weekends and I also should be saving money for my future. There are many more reasons why I suggest this way of buying clothes to my friends like being able to live a more sustainable lifestyle. Likewise, when I am ready to get rid of some of my clothes I post them on Poshmark so that then I can use that money to cycle in new clothes from the app while also being able to fill my void of wanting new clothes. This app is similar to eBay, in the way that on the app you can make offers on clothing and the seller can offer discounts to you as well. Additionally, a lot of clothes from the app are less expensive than buying new clothes. Also a handful of times I have bought stuff and the items arrive still with their tags on them. Since starting Poshmark my closet is beginning to only be filled with clothes I have gotten from Poshmark. Overall, I enjoy using this app and whenever I place an order I can not wait for it to arrive on my porch steps!
Below are some of my favorite items I have gotten:

listing price $19

listed price $15

listed price $12

listed price $19