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Academic Magnet High School - North Charleston, South Carolina.


  • Feb 26 / Lacrosse - Varsity BoysAcademic Magnet High School - 8, Efingham - 18
  • Feb 25 / Lacrosse - Varsity GirlsAcademic Magnet High School - 11, Ashley Hall - 6
  • Feb 24 / Lacrosse - Varsity BoysAcademic Magnet High School - 4, James Island - 19
  • Feb 24 / Lacrosse - Varsity GirlsAcademic Magnet High School - 19, James Island - 9
  • Feb 24 / Lacrosse - JV BoysAcademic Magnet High School - 5, James Island - 12
Academic Magnet High School - North Charleston, South Carolina.


Academic Magnet High School - North Charleston, South Carolina.


Jordan Thomas

Jordan Thomas, Staff Writer

Hi I’m Jordan and my brother’s name is Michael and my parents did not do that on purpose. Yes, we both play basketball. I have an affinity for reality tv, marvel movies, and faulty air conditioning fans on school busses. I am also a gemini sun and rising and believe that gemini is the best zodiac sign. My moon sign is sagittarius and I think it is second best. I am obviously incredibly humble.

All content by Jordan Thomas
The Coolest Shoes at Magnet

The Coolest Shoes at Magnet

Jordan Thomas, Staff Writer
January 16, 2020
House chamber.

Impeachment: House Opinions

Jordan Thomas, Staff Writer
December 17, 2019
16 year old activist Greta Thunberg.

Why Discredit Greta Thunberg?

Jordan Thomas, Staff Writer
September 27, 2019
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