Secular Argument Against Abortion (SC Heartbeat Law)

A friendly pro-life discussion

Secular Argument Against Abortion (SC Heartbeat Law)

Kristen Cooper, Staff Writer

“The South Carolina Fetal Heartbeat and Protection from Abortion Act” is an enormous human rights triumph. Passed this week, the law prohibits most abortions after a fetal heartbeat is detected, with exceptions for rape, incest, and threat to the mother’s life. 

For pro-life advocates, this is great news! Fetal heartbeats usually develop around the sixth week of pregnancy, and most women don’t realize they’re pregnant before then. That means the law is set to block 97% of all South Carolina abortions (only about 3% of abortions are directly linked to rape, incest, or threat to the mother’s life). 

Unfortunately, Planned Parenthood has already filed a lawsuit against the Heartbeat Law. In the meantime, the organization has succeeded in obtaining a two-week restraining order. If Planned Parenthood prevails in court, the Heartbeat Law may never take effect.

As you might have guessed, I’m really hoping that doesn’t happen. However, I realize that most students probably don’t agree with me. That’s why I’m taking this opportunity to challenge some common pro-choice arguments. 

1. A fetus is not alive.

A fetus is composed of living cells. It is, by definition, alive.

2. A fetus is not human.

Every fetus is composed of human cells with its own unique set of human DNA. It’s human. 

3. A fetus is not sentient.

A sentient being is someone who is able to perceive or feel things. A fetus responds to stimulus as early as eight weeks. 

4. The fetal brain is not fully developed.

Neither is any newborn’s. In fact, the male brain is not fully developed until the age of 25. By that logic, it’d be fine if I beat up on my brothers. Hmm… maybe not such a bad idea after all.

5. My body, my choice 

Every fetus has its own set of DNA. It’s a separate being. It’s not your body.

6. What if the fetus isn’t viable?

Again, neither is any newborn. Though babies are not physically dependent on their mothers, the effect is the same; they would die on their own.

7. A fetus can’t breath on its own.

What about people on ventilators? What about people with sleep apnea? My grandpa needs a machine to help him breath at night. Does that mean he’s no longer a human being? 

8. I’m a guy, so I don’t have the right to speak on this issue.

I’ve noticed that a lot of men feel really uncomfortable speaking about abortion. Don’t be! The idea that only women can talk about abortion is solely a pro-choice argument. If you believe abortion is murder, It makes no sense to sit by and let it happen. Little boys are victims too.

9. I would never get an abortion, but I should let others decide for themselves.

Abortion all comes down to whether the fetus is a person with rights or just a blob of cells. It’s either a person or it’s not. There is no in-between. It cannot be both. If it’s a person, then abortion is killing an individual, and no one should have an abortion.

I think most of us can agree that a fetus does not magically become a person when it pops out of the womb, but if you are unsure when it does, isn’t it better to err on the side of caution? The death of a human being isn’t something to be taken lightly.

10. Women will get abortions anyway.

It’s true that some women will always get abortions, but making it illegal is a strong incentive. Many women won’t risk of an unsafe medical procedure. Additionally, pregnant women in need can get support from a growing number of organizations that provide resources before and after pregnancy. Many pro-lifers actively volunteer or donate to make this happen. It’s a great opportunity to support both women and unborn people. We can still support women while choosing life.

11. The fetus would probably have a horrible life.

Abortion advocates consistently cite evidence that aborted children are more prone to grow up in poverty and turn to crime. The idea is that abortion is a mercy. This argument contradicts the idea of my body, my choice. The fetus is not your body. Who are you to decide for the fetus?

There you have it. Will my argument change any minds? Probably not. Do I hope it will? Absolutely.