Are Self-Driving Cars Really Worth It?


Carter Shubert and Sohan Kotecha

Self driving cars have been on the rise lately because Google has come out with this amazing new technology.  The Google Self-Driving Car is a modern innovation that aims to change daily transportation.  Google is looking to prevent accidents and help the lazy people out there who do not want to drive.  The safety on the road has become a huge problem recently because drivers are texting, intoxicated, or just down right horrible drivers.  Many people at AMHS are very interested in self driving cars such as senior Aaron Thornton who I’m pretty sure never took a driving class.  Google uses its special patented technology: the LIDAR sensing system, which uses light from a laser to work as radar.  Here are some pros and cons of self driving cars that should help you decide how you feel about this technological innovation.  


  1. You don’t have to drive.
  2. Don’t know how to drive?  Don’t worry,you can still get around.  
  3. The car can navigate for you! All those confusing GPS systems and insane maps of the entire United States will no longer be necessary.  
  4. A computer system cannot get distracted like a human, which will prevent crashes.
  5. You can watch Netflix on your way to work.
  6. The computer system has a much quicker reaction time than humans.
  7. Your children who do not have driver’s licenses can go pick up the groceries.
  8. Drunk drivers will be in the passenger seat and not in control of the car.
  9. Reduction of car accidents will reduce traffic jams.
  10. Traffic will flow better because there will be no drivers to get distracted by the outside world and slow down their cars.


  1. You’re not in control and the technology can sometimes screw up.
  2. All of the technology including the sensors, self driving technology, and the GPS costs over $300,000 in total which is much more than the average cost of a car.  
  3. You might forget how to drive…
  4. It is hard for the cars to detect everything around them.
  5. Car accidents cannot be prevented completely because the sensors are not perfect.
  6. If an accident occurred, who would be responsible if there was no one driving the car?
  7. Weather conditions can affect the performance of the sensors and therefore reduce the safety of the car.
  8. Are we sure that the sensors can detect stop lights every single time?
  9. The sensors require internet so if connection is bad then the detection will not be as strong and effective.
  10. The security concerns increase as the amount of computing and sensors increase. More technology equals a higher chance of becoming hacked. Becoming hacked means you have no brakes.

These pros and cons should help you to make your decision on whether or not you should buy a self driving car.  These cars could be the future, but how will they affect our world?  Who knows? They could help with many safety concerns and make lives easier for our world today.