Our Spotify Wrapped Predictions

It’s that time of year! Our #favorite holiday of the year


What’s up gang, it’s Teagan and Inés just celebrating Spotify Wrapped season. On November 30th, also known as Wrapped Eve, we made predictions of what our Wrapped would look like. Though we were wildly off, it was extremely fun to guess how our fav songs would show up on our wrapped. It was honestly impressive that we were the ones listening, yet we couldn’t conjure up our top played songs or artists. Without further ado, here are our predictions of our listening habits of the year. 


Teagan’s Predictions:

Top genres: 

I: Indie

T: Pop

Song of the Year:

I: A Phoebe Bridger’s song– Maybe Kyoto or Moon Song? 

T: Heat by 50 or Eyes Wide Open by Ms. Sabrina Carpenter

Top Podcasts:

I: Inés doesn’t listen to podcasts, but I think her top podcast will be one of those frequency recordings or a guided meditation cause she’s cool like that.

T: None. I’m a bad listener to other people.

Top Decade:

I: Like 2020? Or 2000’s. I feel like Inés is a listener to 2000s pop.

T: 2020

Top Artists:

I: Bad Bunny cause she’s so hip and cool.

T: Either Lana, Taylor, or Lorde. Which is a lot of options, but I’m not sure.

Minutes Listened To:

I: 80k or around there. Inés is totally a music listener!

T: 65k, probably less than last year. 


Inés’s Predictions:

Top genres: 

I: Indie

T: Pop

Song of the Year:

I: I Know The End by Phoebe Bridgers or Save Me by Aimee Mann

T: West Coast by Lana Del Rey or something by Lorde

Top Podcasts:

I: None, I listen to 400 Hz occasionally and the Duncan Trussel podcast literally once this year

T: Probably none like a boss because who has the time for that?

Top Decade:

I: Probably 2000’s to 2010’s with occasional 90’s 

T: 2010’s-2020, some of the best

Top Artists:

I: Phoebe Bridgers or Bad Bunny

T: Lorde or Lana Del Rey or 50 Cent because she has banging music taste like that

Minutes Listened:

I: 80-90K, I feel like it would go down from last year, and it was 91K

T: 75K-80K, car rides and room listener, I’m feeling that it’s got to be in this range


The REAL Spotify Wrapped results: 

Top genres:

I: Indie pop which seems very wrong but 150 genres total were listened to this year yas

T: Dance Pop (whatever that means??) total 88 genres though which is pretty cool

Song of the Year:

I: On Melancholy Hill by Gorillaz

T: Deja Vu by Miss Rodrigo

Top Podcasts:

I: Duncan Trussel Family Podcast lolz he is the creator of the Midnight Gospel I’ve listened to like one episode

T: Mine did not tell me probably because I don’t listen to any.

Top decade:

I: No idea

T: also didn’t tell me

Top artists:

I: ***** ** *** ***** No comment. This is rigged. Pretend that says Bad Bunny. 

T: Lana Del Rey (top 0.5% listener) and listened to 4.5k minutes of her!

Minutes Listened:

I: 61K, which is so embarrassingly far off from what I thought 

T: 35k which is so much less than I thought. 

Audio Aura: (New feature this year #vibecheck or something)

T: My Audio Aura is wistful and energy, which are opposites lol. 

I: My audio aura is wistful and focused, so interpret that as you will

Inés’ Top Songs yasssss
Teagan’s Full Wrapped Stats yasss















And with that, we have our Wrapped’s for the year! With our horrible guessing skills, we managed to get only our genres right (because genres are probably the easiest to guess #shocker) I would also like to have a moment of silence for those who got Dream SMP as one of their top five, I’m so sorry. All in all, I hope our dear readers’ main takeaway is that we have boss music tastes and that Spotify Wrapped does get some things wrong. (In some cases, the top artist…) We should also note that they really only take your data from the beginning of the year because a lot of my top songs I only listened to specifically in January-March, but whatever Spotify, we love you so much more than whatever “Apple Replay” pretends to be. <3

Send us your best Spotify Wrapped fits to celebrate

For those still reading, now is the time for me to come out with my real Top Artist… don’t hate me guys please