What should be on your Christmas list
Making a Christmas list can be a challenging task as you no longer want the toys and barbie dolls we once dreamed for when we were younger. Here are some ideas for things you might possibly need/want for Christmas to take advantage of the holiday season as well as maybe some ideas to buy your family and friends…
1. New pair of shoes-
Nothing is better than getting a new pair of shoes. After a couple of month since the beginning of school it is time to get some new kicks. Either a new pair a tennis shoes or a new pair of going out shoes if you been eyeing a pair now is the time to get the courage and ask your parents.
2. Jewelry–
Jewelry is always a good option whether is it a gift for your self or for a fellow family member you can always find a cool piece of jewelry to add to your collection or someone else’s.
3. Flannel- Its Flannel season and its a prefect time with the weather getting colder to ask for a new flannel. Flannels are perfect t to throw over an outfit to add some extra warmth. Being surprisingly expensive it is the prefect opportunity to ask for a nice brand new flannel to replace maybe some of those old GoodWill ones.
4. Apple watch or band – Perfect for in school or tracking workouts even if you already have a watch ask for some new bands to add to your collection to add some extra bling to your daily outfits.
5. Makeup Asking for some new makeup is a perfect stocking stuffer. As makeup is pretty expensive sometimes buying it for yourself can add up. Instead putting a few of your favorite items should be an easier way to same some money in the future.
6. Weighted blanket – With the winter months approaching a weighted blanket is a must. Heavier and warmer than your average blanket this is a must on your Christmas list. Perfect for sports games or night trips to the beach in the chilly weather.
7.Air diffuser A diffuser is a prefect way to relax after a long day or school. You just need water and a couple drops of whatever essential oil you wish to add. You can buy specific oils for relaxing or stress relief. An oil diffuser will also save you money in the long run as you will no loner need to spend $20 on candles.
8. Tapestries –Perfect for adding some accesories to your room. Adding a tapestry to your room can turn a blanket wall into either a funny meme or a cute artsy wall; the choice is up to you.
9. Merch- Asking for your favorite band or artist merch is a perfect thing to add to you list. As merch is normally more pricey than your regular shirt or sweatshirt saving your self some money as well as supporting your favorite artist is a great addition to your closet.
10. New sports equipment– If you are an athlete this is the perfect time to aks for those new pair of cleats you’ve been eyeing or the a new basketball, volleyball, soccer ball (etc). With spring sports just around the corner its the best time to get some new equipment to win some state championships.
11. Video-games- With many new games just begin released it is the perfect time to ask for either a gift card to the playstation/ xbox store to purchase a brand new game.
12. Sport Jerseys– Have a favorite player? Or a favorite team? Pro or collegiate level, this simple gift will pay off in years to come. Begin able to throw on your favorite jersey on the next big game day is a must this holiday season.
13. To go on a trip- Have a dream Vacation? Whether the trip is a day in Columbia or all the way to Fiji asking for a day away can be beneficial to mental health and a present that the whole family could enjoy! Tickets to New York City are going for as low as $97 right now!
14. Books– I know, I know you might be wondering why a book? However, with all the holiday travels and time away from school these two weeks could give you time to sit down and a read a brand new book. Indulging in a book you actually like might be a big step away from the years of Shakespeare however, you might surprise yourself with how much you could enjoy it! Click here to look at the Guardians list of best 2021 new books released.
15. Cologne or Perfume– It is the perfect time, boys, to steer away from the axe body spray and invest in some high end cologne. That way you can smell extra fresh for the holidays season. A recommended perfume for the girls was Daisy by Marc Jacobs.