Seniors’ Magnet Parking Lot Memories
Members of the class of 2020 reminisce about memories made in the parking lot over their time at AMHS.
The Magnet parking lot has served as the spot for getting ready on mornings during Spirit week, meeting friends in the afternoons on game day, witnessing several collisions, and watching standoffs between parent and student drivers. As many of us are near the end of our senior year, I asked some of my fellow classmates to reflect on their most memorable experiences in the lot.
Lucas D.– Before games, I love hanging out with the soccer team while we wait for the traffic to clear out. We always argue about where to go to eat–it’s like an unspoken tradition. I also like to go on Susannah’s Ripstick before school sometimes, and that’s always fun.
Sophia D.– All I can think of is Jack Patterson listening to country music on blast alone in his car.
Gabby Z.– One afternoon I was in a rush to leave, and I revved my engine really loudly twice on accident. Everyone around my car laughed at me because my car is small, so it didn’t even sound cool. It sounded like a baby car. Also, one time after school Mina drove us around really fast and kept going in reverse trying to hit people.

Andrew D.– One time, I professed my love for Clara on the roof of my car after a volleyball game as a shooting star went by.
(Little) Will J.– When Jack Dillard had his Ford Bronco, we took his spare tire off and rolled it into the middle of a field. Also, Will Schnell popped my tire by kicking it one time.
Ellie M.– One day when I was leaving the parking lot, a black Prius pulled out when I was passing it, almost hitting my bumper. Luckily, I swerved and was going only 2 miles per hour, avoiding any serious damage. Then, this man climbs out and takes a picture of my license plate, so, naturally, I take a picture of his. He told me I “wouldn’t win this one,” but I reported him to Ms. Pinckney. Looks like I did.

Godwins T.– There was a time when Sage almost T-boned me because they thought it would be funny. Mary and I also started a little fire with paper pine straws and sticks one time.
Riley H.– I hit a boy when I was reversing out of the parking lot. Then I just drove away because I got scared and felt awkward.
Clara C.– We buried a bird with a Jewish/Christian funeral. It has a headstone. See if you can find it.
Mason L.– My senior superlative is best parking spot… FYI it was me who hit Sully, not Davis. I was waving to Jake in his car.

A big thank you goes out to the AMHS lot for (most of) the experiences we’ve had and the ones still yet to come.