The Cars of Magnet
Get to Know Your Classmates Cars
Driving is a rite of passage for many teenagers; getting a license and maybe even a car is momentous in one’s life. For those who pass their driving test, a license can provide a teen with freedom and responsibility. In addition, getting a license means spending countless hours driving every day. According to a Harvard study, the average American spends around 101 minutes a day driving. This totals to an extraordinary 37,935 hours spent driving in one’s lifetime, assuming the person drives from age 17 until age 78. Spending this much time on the road creates many memories, some bad and some good. Here are a few stories about some of the cars in the Academic Magnet parking lot…
Rowan Burns
Model, color, and Name of Car:
It’s a bright blue Nissan Versa with sparkles. I call it The Blueberry!
Bumper stickers?
No, but I wish I did. I would put a college sticker on it.
How long you have had your car?
It was my mom’s car, so we have had it for around ten years.
Have you ever had any scary moments while driving in your car?
I got caught going 90 on the bridge (55 normal speed limit); the cop said it would be a $405 fine and six points off my license. But I got a warning instead because my friend’s mom saw me and pulled over to help. Actually, the police almost shot her because when she got out of the car because he did not realize she was there and she scared him.
What is you most memorable moment driving in your car?
One day I drove and the trunk was open. Well, actually my mom was driving, but it was really funny!
If you could, would you get a new car or keep you current car? If you get a new car, what type?
I would get a newer, bigger car like a SUV type. But I don’t know a lot about cars. Maybe a Prius though, because it gets good gas milage.
Grace Gehlken
Model, color, and Name of Car:
It is a Volvo s80 red car and its name is Velma.

Bumper stickers?
Just the parking sticker for Academic Magnet.
How long you have had your car?

First I had a white car with flower stickers all over it, but it “died.” Then I had a blue Volvo with one flower sticker and it “died” too. But I have had my current car for one and a half years.
Have you ever had any scary moments while driving in your car?
Every. Single. Day. I hate sneezing while driving, every time it happens I have a mini panic attack because my eyes inevitably close, but I really should look at the road 100% of the time.
What is you most memorable moment driving in your car?
When Hampton (her brother) drives so I don’t have to.
If you could, would you get a new car or keep you current car? If you get a new car, what type?
I would keep my current car because I have been doing pretty well in it.
Gregg Gardner
Model, color, and Name of Car:
It’s a Black Toyota 4Runner but I don’t have a name.
How long you have had your car?
For around 11 months.
Have you ever had any scary moments while driving in your car?
Yeah, one time I got stuck and it took four trucks four and a half hours to pull me out.
What is you most memorable moment driving in your car?
Adventures in Francis Marion.
If you could, would you get a new car or keep you current car? If you get a new car, what type?
Probably keep this one. If I could get a new car, I’d want a 100 Series Land Cruiser.
Anne Claire Purcell
Model, color, and Name of Car:
I have a navy 2007 Volvo XC 70.
Bumper stickers?
I’ve got a church sticker, a parrot surf shop sticker, and an Appalachian trail sticker.
How long you have had your car?
For around a year. I got it for Christmas last year.
Have you ever had any scary moments while driving in your car?
One time I was pulling out of the AMHS parking lot and my steering wheel got caught on my jacket and I swerved into the sidewalk and Officer Snipes stared at me for a good 20 seconds.
What is you most memorable moment driving in your car?
My most memorable moment would probs be when my radio actually worked and I would go get food.
If you could, would you get a new car or keep you current car? If you get a new car, what type?
If I could get a new car I would gladly get a 2015 Jeep Wrangler sport edition.
Carly Hall
Model, color, and Name of Car:
It is a Silver Honda Odyssey named Yolanda.
Bumper stickers?
So many. 26 in total, but I have taken some off.
How long you have had your car?
Almost three years.
Have you ever had any scary moments while driving in your car?
Oh yes, Yolanda has been through it all… there have had some crazy moments.
What is you most memorable moment driving in your car?
I work as a lifeguard on IOP during the summer, so I always drive over the IOP connector, which I love so much.
If you could, would you get a new car or keep you current car? If you get a new car, what type?
We have a love hate relationship, but I do like jeeps a lot. So maybe I would trade Yolanda in for a Jeep.
Grace Fellows
Model, color, and Name of Car:
It is a white Volvo XC 90.
Bumper stickers?
I only have one. It’s an AMHS booster club sticker.
How long you have had your car?
Was my moms for 4 years but it’s been mine for about a year.
Have you ever had any scary moments while driving in your car?
I’ve been flipped off once, that was interesting. I have also had to jump it a few times.
What is you most memorable moment driving in your car?
My most memorable moment was passing my driving test in the Volvo and then driving around by myself for the first time.
If you could, would you get a new car or keep you current car? If you get a new car, what type?
If I could get a different car I would want a smaller SUV because mine is very hard to park.
Ian Stadtmueller
Model, color, and Name of Car:

My current car is a 2002 Yukon xl. I call it the Tank. But I also used to drive a Prius.
Bumper stickers?
I have two stickers. One is for the AMHS swim team and the other is from Trophy Lakes.
How long you have had your car?
My family has had it for around ten years.
Have you ever had any scary moments while driving in your car?
Hitting Gregg’s car.
What is you most memorable moment driving in your car?
Hitting Gregg’s car.
If you could, would you get a new car or keep you current car? If you get a new car, what type?
I’d keep it, but I would do some things to it to refurbish it/make it better.
Though these students only represent a part of the Academic Magnet High School parking lot, their stories tell of the joy many people feel for their car. From car wrecks to leaving the trunk open, the cars of Magnet have seen it all.