Meet your 2023 Seniors: Part 2

Welcome back to meeting your 2023 seniors! In this new-and-improved edition, we dive deep into the important stuff: what a senior raptor might take on a deserted island, their favorite movie (says a lot about a person), and their unpopular opinions. Let’s begin…


Emily Byrne

Favorite movie: Home Alone.

Unpopular opinion: Moe’s is better than Chipotle.

Top 3 things to take on a deserted island: Donuts, Kate Gieg, and my hydro flask.

Go to fast food place: Chick-Fil-A.

Favorite Magnet memory: Junior year beach field trip.


Annie Cagle

Favorite movie: Set It Up.

Unpopular opinion: Coy Wire doesn’t deserve the hate he gets.

Top 3 things to take on a deserted island: Ramen noodles, a jet ski, and my dog (Pluffy.)

Go to fast food place: Canes.

Favorite Magnet memory: Freshman year fall pep rally.


Livia Carroll

Favorite movie: Christmas Vacation.

Unpopular opinion: Pickles are not good.

Top 3 things to take on a deserted island: Food, water, and friends.

Go to fast food place: Chick-Fil-A.

Favorite Magnet memory: Senior spirit week and junior basketball season.


Ella Chapman

Favorite movie: La La Land. Or Alice in Wonderland, the animated version.

Unpopular opinion: Private stories are meant to be excessively posted on.

Top 3 things to take on a deserted island: My cat, a portable and solar-powered CD player with all of Taylor Swift’s albums, and unlimited strawberry açaí refreshers.

Go to fast food place: Starbucks (specifically for strawberry açaí refreshers.)

Favorite Magnet memory: Senior homecoming and Mr Rush’s study hall junior year.


Cat Clyburn

Favorite movie: Everything Everywhere All At Once, this is pretty new but literally made me sob and then stare into a mirror for hour. Gotta be this or Return of the King (shoutout Tolkien.)

Unpopular opinion: Willem Dafoe is hot.

Top 3 things to take on a deserted island: A journal with a lot of pages, mechanical pencil, and lead (.7 obvi.)

Go to fast food place: Chick-fil-a if I have a lot of money and Sonic if I don’t.

Favorite Magnet memory: Generation day both junior and senior year were SOO much fun and is a pretty uniquely Magnet experience. Embarrassing freshman and sophomores with Dennise junior year and Miles senior year really makes me feel better about myself.


Eliana Collier 

Favorite movie: Spontaneous.

Unpopular opinion: Pineapple does not belong on pizza.

Top 3 things to take on a deserted island: A boat, a map of the ocean, and food.

Go to fast food place: Chipotle.

Favorite Magnet memory: Hanging out in the library with my friends during study hall sophomore year.


Lily Coulter 

Favorite movie: The Sound of Music.

Unpopular opinion: Cava falafel is better than Kairos.

Top 3 things to take on a deserted island: A copy of The Lord of the Rings, a bathing suit, and a boat.

Go to fast food place: Taco Bell.

Favorite Magnet memory: Freshmen football games!


Michael Donoho

Favorite Movie: Over the Hedge.

Unpopular opinion: Over the Hedge is the greatest movie of all time.

Top 3 things to take on a deserted island: My three discs of the Over the hedge. 💀

Go to fast food place: Over the Hedge burger.

Favorite Magnet memory: Watching Over the Hedge with my boys.


Miles Garrigan

Favorite movie: Any Lord of the Rings movie.

Unpopular opinion: Caleb Anderson should’ve been class president.

Top 3 things to take on a deserted island: Motor Oil, Dill pickles, and a comically large spoon.

Go to fast food place: Sonic.

Favorite Magnet memory: Will Brown in a cheerleader outfit.


Dylan Geddis

Favorite movie: Grease.

Unpopular opinion: I despise sweet pickles.

Top 3 things to take on a deserted island: Ranch, a guitar, and a portable cassette player.

Go to fast food place: Probably Sonic.

Favorite Magnet memory: When Lily Praete fell down the stairs on generations day last year.


Chandler Grace Ghegan

Favorite movie: Murder Mystery.

Unpopular opinion: Starbucks is severely overrated (sorry ella.) This can be excused…although arguable.

Top 3 things to take on a deserted island: Dark chocolate, a sherpa blanket, and water.

Go to fast food place: Chick-Fil-A.

Favorite Magnet memory: BE away basketball game junior year when the seniors dressed up as nuns and it was the closest and most intense game I’ve ever been to.