The Top Ten Most Memorable Articles of this Year

chosen by yours truly:)

The Top Ten Most Memorable Articles of this Year

Hi guys! So the AC is broken today and I convinced Mrs. Hurt to let us go outside because I was dying of heat. My brain can simply not focus when I am hot. I just sit. and stare at the wall.

But nowwww I am outside in the wind so my creative juices are flowing! I decided to write about the ten articles that my friends have posted this year that are the most iconic in my professional opinion. They will probably feature a wide range of topics and really have just been chosen for no reason. They are just my favorites:)

So here we go!

1. The Not So Much Spring Break by Olivia

I absolutely loved this article because it really made me want to be productive and actually excited to go to work tonight. I also loved her descriptions of what she did with the kids she babysat. Usually, when I babysit I forget I can actually drive them somewhere and then just get so bored sitting in their house. Going to the pool with them actually sounds really fun though. Considering I was in Florida and made no money all of Spring Break, I’m very very impressed!

2. Toxic Positivity by Sophia

I thought this article was very interesting since I have never thought about this topic before. Sophia’s articles typically peak my interest, but this one particularly. I definitely am guilty of doing this myself too, trying to erase any possible negativity in my life.

3. Pairing Magnet Staff with Colleges by Collin

This article was so funny partially because Mrs. Hurt was not the happiest with being given Ole Miss. I also loved Dr. Altman’s because I gotta agree with Collin that Dr. Altman was definitely a huge partier. Plus she goes to jazzercise literally every day. It matches her perfectly

4. Best Places to Hide around Magnet by Collin

Sorry to everyone else in my newspaper class, Collin’s articles just had to appear in here twice. This article was one of the first ones he wrote, definitely like a day or two later than the deadline. His disclaimers are the funniest part of the article, apparently Collin has never skipped a class guys. My favorite hiding spot mentioned, obviously, is the sarcophagus in the Senior lounge. Even though I could never hide there because I am super super claustrophobic.

5. Things in My Room that Just Make Sense by Taryn

As most of you would probably guess, Tarun’s room is full of one direction and crystals. Those two together just represent Taryn so well. I liked this article because it made me want to buy more aesthetically pleasing decorations for my room. And for my dorm room! I really really need to do some shopping for that soon.

6. The (r)Evolution of Taylor Swift by Mary Routh

As Mrs Hurt just told Whitney and me, we are “way too obsessed” with Taylor Swift. She suggested we should name the article the Taylor Swift article. I think she was making fun of us but I actually think its a great idea. You can tell this article took Mary at least 3 hours because yes she is just THAT committed to her love for Taylor Swift.

7. Top Gas Stations in the Charleston Area by Lily Wolf

There is absolutely no reason for this article to be funny but it just is. Mostly because I could not have told you much a difference between any of the gas stations, but clearly Lily knows her stuff. So moral of the story? If you’re ever having a indecisive day and can’t decide what gas station to go to, Lily can give you all the facts.

8. Cult Classics by Lily O

This article makes the list because I love when we do sorting. Although Mrs. Hurt never let us “sort the seniors” (don’t ask me what that means a certain few boys in my class have asked for maybe the past 50 straight newspaper classes), I do love the senior sorting articles, even though we were eventually stopped because “not everyone cared about the seniors”. How sad.

9. How to Overcome Senioritis by Rachel

This article was amusing mostly because there is no possible way to overcome Senioritis. I have tried. Trust me. I seem to try the distracting option the majority of the time and I must agree with Rachel, not particularly effective.

10. How One Squirrel Ruined My Entire Day by Whitney

Even just the name of this article was so funny to me. This is exactly how I react to bad things happening to me too. I’ll accidentally sleep through my alarm, or it will be raining (literally like drizzling) on the way to school and I decide my whole day is cursed. Also, Whitney’s mood before work is literally how I am before every single shift. (Her mood in this article will be me at approximately 4:30 today about to leave for work eek)