Interviewing Mrs. Vogel




Here at Magnet, the people behind the scenes are the reason our school community is so outstanding. Student council and the administration frequently organize events and even smaller things, like text book drop offs, for us, in order to keep our school running smoothly. Yet oftentimes these integral members of our community are less known by the student body because we don’t get to have daily interactions with them like we do with teachers. 

Mrs.Vogel, our school secretary, is in my mind the heart of Magnet. Whether you need something random, a good heart to heart, or a question answered she’s the woman to go to. Today I’m interviewing Mrs. Vogel so that we can get to know her better!


Where did you grow up?

I grew up in a small town. East Jenoa, New York. I loved it there, my family settled there in the 1700’s. It was like a crossroads in the country. We had a little church and a lot of farms. It was like Little House on the Prairie. It was only like 15 kids k-12 in a one room classroom.


My family is huge. I have 10 siblings and we have 3 roads and a cemetery named after us in Jenoa. So there were 6 boys and 4 girls. And I’m the youngest. My mom had me late in life and by the time I came along many of them (her siblings) were gone.

College experience?

I went to the State University of New York. It’s a technical and agricultural college, and I attended some classes at Cornell. It was great. It was during the 70’s. So take it from there, I burned a lot of brain cells

Why a secretary?

Not really sure. I think it was because I was organized and a fast typist and that seemed to be where jobs were opening up quickly. But I really wanted to be a juvenile officer. Working with minors who had gotten in trouble. Being a secretary though got me into jobs and paid the bills

How did you end up at Magnet?

I retired from Cornell after 17 years there and moved to Charleston to be closer to my two sons. I was the program coordinator for the food executive program at Cornell University. There was a teacher (Mr. Gary Weart)  here (at Magnet) and the secretarial position was open and he said “I have got the job for you.” Now here I am.

Life advice?

Be true to yourself and put your family first and the rest will fall in place. And that’s not easy for everyone because not everyone has that support. Family can be friends too.

Worst mistake you made in high school?

Not telling you until after graduate


Yes I am a notary. I recently signed both of my sons and my daughter-in-laws’ wedding certificates. And I performed the wedding for my youngest son in Columbia

Opinion on senior class?

I thought about this one. I respect the seniors for what they are about to bring to society. But they couldn’t wait to get back in school after quarantine and now they cannot wait to get out to there cars. It’s been fun to watch them grow into adults.

Most ridiculous thing you’ve had to deal with at Magnet?

Chasing geese around the courtyard! Oh and I needed to rescue a student who had climbed into a locker and gotten their whole body into a locker. CAROLINE! she was in it and I mean she couldn’t get out. You could shut the door of the locker and she had her feet over head. I had to help her untangle herself and get out.

Plans for the future? Retirement?

Grandchildren hopefully one day. That is my retirement plan

Dinner squad? Who are 3 people you would love to have dinner with?

My parents

My first love

Favorite hobby?

I paint. I haven’t done it in a long time but I like to paint sailboats

What’s something you wish you would’ve done in high school?  

Studied more, I loved to screw off. I was very social. I would  rather just plan parties. I wasn’t a bad student, I just would have rather been doing other things.

Ms. Vogel – an amazing woman  – we are most grateful to have her looking after us!