Sullivan Lant and Skyler Ayers Just Flexed on the Entire Senior Class

The rest of us need to get with the program.


Skyler Ayers (left) and Sullivan Lant (right), in addition to the legs of Graham Inabnett.

Seniors Sullivan Lant and Skyler Ayers just conquered the bane of the senior class’s existence: they each completed their senior thesis.  While many of us struggled to meet the Chapter 4 deadline on October 12th, these two ladies sprinted to home base.  They each avidly wrote their Chapter 5 and then proceeded to present their thesis defense.

Skyler’s thesis was entitled “The Effect of Changing Yeast Type on Croissants for Consumer Preference.”  When questioned about the stress levels Skyler experienced during this process, she stated that “it was really stressful since there wasn’t a guide to go off of, but it was more nervous stress” but that “the actual presentation was good.”  As far as giving advice to the seniors still struggling with their thesis, she suggests “just finishing and getting what you can done.  If you can dedicate just an hour a day you can be done in a week.  You just need to set your mind to it.”

If you can dedicate just an hour a day [to thesis] you can be done in a week.  You just need to set your mind to it.

— Skyler Ayers

Sullivan Lant stated that: “The thesis process for me was a matter of trying to stay ahead of deadlines and in contact with my mentor.  My mentor is in a band, so he’s often travelling, and it worked out that he was only available months before the deadlines in some cases, so I had to adjust for that.  My thesis title was ‘Gradual Versus Sudden Exposure to Post-1960’s Heavy Metal Music: Adolescent Listeners’ Preferences in a Community and Individualized Setting.’  The presentation went well.  It was long, but it was about a topic which I was very familiar with so it was pretty easy.  As far as advice, I’d say try to stay ahead of deadlines because people are much more willing to cut you some slack if you’re working hard ahead of time.  Also, practice your presentation a lot.  It was really helpful that I practiced out loud every day the week leading up to my defense.”

In the words of Graham Inabnett: “From someone who rides with Sullivan daily, throughout the process I have seen her work extremely hard to complete her thesis.  Riding with her, I have been exposed to a plethora of metal music, most of which was used in her thesis. (That I was not able to participate in.  Still mad about that).”

She told me her thesis was going to be about bread and I laughed.  But looks who’s laughing now.

— Graham Inabnett

He also stated that he was “in thesis with Skyler Ayers last year.  She told me her thesis was going to be about bread and I laughed.  But looks who’s laughing now.  She’s done.  I am not.  I just got my data today.”

As we near Halloween, don’t let the horror of thesis overtake you.  In the wise words of comedian Larry the Cable Guy, “get ‘er done.”