Find Your Thesis Topic!

Juniors Liam Rowley, Ellie Moore, and English Laserna cry about thesis.

As Thesis is approaching quickly, Juniors everywhere are being told that we need to have our topics now! If you are like the other 151 clueless kids in the Junior class, you probably  have no idea.  Well do not worry, for this quiz is here to save the day. Just take this quiz and let your worries melt away.

What do you like to do in your free time?

a. Arts and crafts

b. Study

c. Hang out with your friends

d. Play video games

What is your favorite app on your phone? 

a. Instagram

b. WebMD

c. Twitter

d. Minecraft

What is your favorite subject?

a. Studio art

b. Biology

c. Psychology

d. Computer programming

How would you describe yourself?

a. Creative and sensitive

b. Studious and curious

c. Talkative and social

d. Analytical and reserved

What do you hate the most?

a. Memorizing useless information

b. Having a cold

c. Boring people

d. Computer malfunctions

Where is your ideal vacation destination?

a. Amsterdam

b. Baltimore

c. New Orleans

d. Seattle

If you could only have on thing on a deserted island, what would it be?

a. A journal

b. A first aid kit

c. A phone

d. A book

What famous figure would you like to have dinner with? 

a. Picasso

b. Einstein

c. Beyoncé

d. Stephen Hawking


  • Mostly A’s: You should do your thesis about the arts including visual art, cinematography, or photography.
  • Mostly B’s: You should do your thesis about the sciences including chemistry or biology.
  • Mostly C’s: You should do your thesis about social sciences and psychology.
  • Mostly D’s: You should do your thesis about engineering, computer science, and technology.
  • A mix of all choices: Sorry. Looks like you won’t be able to find a thesis topic. You should probably quit now.