How to Prompose in Style: Six promposal ideas guaranteed to get you a date

A guide for those struggling on how to ask someone to prom.

Prom season is right around the corner and there is so much to be done. Between getting the perfect outfit, making after plans, and working on your tan it’s easy to forget the most important part of prom: upstaging everyone with the perfect promposal. Now you might think that promposals are cheesy and you’d be right however that’s what makes them great. Plus this year there is an ongoing competition for the best promposal and the winners get two free prom tickets (more details on this down below). Competition is bound to be tough and I have no doubt the creative minds of raptor nation are going to come up with some great promposals, so if you want a chance at winning these free tickets and upstaging everyone for the night of nights then keep reading. 


Announcement Over the Loudspeakers

What will get your message across better than a promposal over the loudspeakers? Not much. Thankfully student body president and bringer of our morning announcement, Vishwa Veeraswamy , has agreed to relay promposals. Write a heartfelt message, pass it along and bam perfect promposal. Bonus points if you can sing or play an instrument and convince Vishwa to let you do the announcement yourself. 


Lunch Flashmob 

This next promposal is definitely be a lot of work, but the payoff would make it all worth it. Who doesn’t love a good flashmob to ask a question especially if it’s to a Bruno Mars song. All you need to do is pick a song, choreograph a dance, recruit back up dancers and perform at lunch. Promposing through a flash mob would guarantee having a prom date and impressed peers. If you do want to execute this, everyone working on the Talon would be happy to help fulfill your flashmob promposal dreams. 


Plane Message 

The next one is a classic but that doesn’t mean it’s bad, in fact it’s timeless. A plane over the courtyard with a banner asking someone to prom is the perfect balance of classy and romantic. A great but slightly more price spin off of this is aerial sky writing where the plane can write a message for you in the sky. Both of these are wonderful options and would be even better at lunch in the courtyard. 


Promposal by Serenation 

One part of planning a great promposal is utilizing your resources and one of Magnets great resources is being on the same campus as an art school. The SOA choir is an example of this. Pay some SOA singers to serenade your future prom date and you have a great promposal on your hands. Bonus points if it’s a-cappella.


Talent Show Promposal

For those who didn’t know the AMHS talent show is happening March 16th at the Rose Maree Myers Theater and at the talent show you can buy very affordable shoutouts. These will be read between acts and if the perfect opportunity for an AMHS promposal if you and your future date are in attendance (and why wouldn’t y’all be). 


Promposal Raptor Spirit Style

A lot of these promposal have been either during school or other Magnet events but one type of event in particular is yet to be mentioned. I’m of course talking about sporting events. The spring season has plenty of sports from tennis to soccer and these events are a great chance do prompose especially if either you or your date play one of these sports. There are also so many great word play opportunities with sports. Just off the top of my head you could write “Prom? We would surely have a ball” on a soccer or tennis ball. 

In fact there has already been a lacrosse game promposal!

Ransome Hudson and Boris Pekar promposing in style

I hope these promposal ideas have inspired you to get creative and ask your dates in interesting ways. You can always do something more private and the more personalized the better. Honestly anything is better than a snap just saying “prom?”. Prom is less than two months away so good luck on promposals and don’t forget to buy your tickets!