Sorting the Senior Class as the Three Stooges
Purely vibes
“Personally I have never even watched The Three Stooges but I feel like a part of them lives in
all of us.”
-Christina Dolan
Positive Traits of Each Stooge:
Moe: Hardworking, Ambitious, Self assured, Diligent, Leaders
Larry: Easy-going, Friendly, Versatile, Peaceful, Civil
Curly: Creative, Sociable, Charismatic, Class clown, Goofy
(I’m not even sure if these are accurate traits of the three stooges. This is just how I interpret them. Also please don’t overthink your category. It’s not that deep.)
If you got two stooges, the one I listed first is the one I think you’re the most like, but I also had to include that you can also sometimes be another stooge. So if you got Moe/Curly for instance, I think you’re more Moe than Curly but you’re pretty similar to both of them.
Thomas Abraham: Larry
Emma Anderson: Larry
Grace Anderson: Moe
Niko Apostolou: Curly/Larry
Taylor Aquino: Curly
Aiden Astle: Moe
Jack Austin: Larry
Justin Baek: Curly
Macon Bauknight: Larry
Colby Beaver: Curly
Eric Beaver: Moe
Alan Bi: Moe
Lily Bluestein: Larry
Will Boyd: Moe
Collin Brientnall: Curly/Moe
Kaila Brown: Curly
Haley Bryan: Larry
Conolly Burgess: Moe
Connor Burill: Larry
Amelia Butcher: Moe
Sophia Butcher: Moe
Julia Camp: Moe
Emily Campbell: Larry
Dylan Carter: Larry
Mattia Cassell: Curly
Owen Chapman: Larry
Kaitlyn Chau: Larry
Maisie Cochran: Moe
Owen Conley: Curly/Moe
Anna Cook: Larry
Kristen Cooper: Moe
Lydia Cox: Moe
Prudence Criscuolo: Moe/Larry
Will Culler: Larry
Evan Daniels: Moe/Curly
Isabelle Darce: Moe
Cameron Dawson: Curly
Carmen Del Mastro: Larry
Ansel Dietrich: Moe/Curly
Christina Dolan: Moe
Brendan Elliot: Larry
Brad Emenov: Larry/Curly
Landon Ethredge: Moe
Lily Feingold: Moe
Ashley Fister: Larry
Aiden Flinton: Moe
Pilar Florez: Moe
Tonisha Forrest: Curly
Andrew Forsyth: Curly/Larry
Adam Frye: Larry
Serenity Gainey: Larry
Connor Gale: Curly
Keiry Garcia : Moe
Jeremy Garza: Curly/Moe
Adam Gatch: Moe
Christain Giles: Moe
Emily Griffin: Larry
Jason Guo: Moe
Gabby Hart: Larry
Ishraq Haque: Moe/Larry
Sean Healy: Moe
Leah Heineck: Curly/Larry
Thomas Henry: Larry
Alex Hernandez: Larry
Joel Herndon: Moe
Grace hill: Larry/Curly
Marshall Hodges: Curly
Liana Horner: Moe/larry
Hannah Hughes: Larry/Curly
Sydney Isaaks: Moe/Curly
Mohammed Ismail: C U R L Y
Tate Jennings: Moe
Tabitha Johnson: Larry
Kyle Johnson: Curly
Charles Jordan: Moe/Curly
Alyssa Kapinos: Moe
MK Kerrigan: Larry
Colton Kilgallen: Moe
Whitney Knotts: Moe
Lily Lassiter: Moe
Jennifer Lee: Moe
Simon Li: Moe/Larry
Benjamin Lipshitz: Moe
Ruth Liu: Larry
Jojo Lonyo: Moe/Larry
Morgan Macdonald: Larry/Curly
Mark Maci: Moe
Anna Maher: Larry
Emma Martin: Larry
Sophia Martuscello: Curly
Josie Massenet: Moe/Larry
Katie Massie: Moe
Casey Matthews: Larry
Elias Mcall: Larry/Curly
Emma Mcalin: Moe
Trinity Mcmanus: Larry
Aidan Mcpherson: Moe
Charlie Medlock: Moe
Ishaan Mehrotra: Curly/Moe
Brooks Melton: Curly
Carson Moore: Curly
Ruth Middleton: Larry/Curly
Devon Mulligan: Moe
Shreyas Mytri: Curly
Christian Nelson: Curly/Larry
Sarah Nelson: Larry
Maddie Nguyen: Larry/Moe
Sophie Nguyen: Larry
Olivia Niesse: Larry
Wenshu Novak-Condy: Moe/Curly
Lily O: Moe
Frances O’Shea: Curly/Larry
Charles Olsen: Moe
Rey Ortiz: Curly
Evie Otis: Moe/Larry
Ethan Oulette: Moe
Maya Pai: Moe
Belle Pansap: Larry
Janice Park: Larry
Nick Patterson: Curly
Matthew Porzio: Curly
Nora Powell: Larry
Disha Qanungo: Moe
Porter Quantz:Curly/Moe
Michelle Ren: Larry/Moe
Casey Richmond: Curly
James Rocco: Larry
Rootster (RIP): Curly
Mary Routh: Moe/Larry
John Rowe: Curly
Adam Rubinstein: Curly/Moe
Anyjah Sally: Moe/Larry
Valerie Salvatierra: Larry/Moe
Catherine Santos: Moe
Preston Sessoms: Curly
Brady Siegan: Curly
Hayden Southworth: Larry/Curly
George Sterrett: Moe/Curly
Johanna Stone: Moe
Allie Streck: Moe
Karoline Surdyck: Larry
Eliza Taylor: Moe
Mccabe Templeton: Larry
John Thomas: Moe
Molly Tippey: Moe
Jack Tucker: Larry/Moe
Hank Tschantz: Moe/Curly
Nicole Tufts: Moe/Larry
Miles Turk: Larry
Manning Unger: Curly
Felix von Asten: Moe
Sylvia Watkins: Larry
Sophie White: Moe/Larry
Ben Whitley: Larry/Curly
Alex Williams: Larry
Timothy Wilson: Moe
Lily Wolf: Curly/Larry
Liam Wood: Moe
Vivian Yang: Moe
Mason Yost: Larry/Moe
Porter Zach: Moe
Honorable Mentions:
Mr. Rush: Moe/Curly
Mr. Stackhouse: Curly/Larry
Ms. Pinckney: Moe
Ms. Colon: Moe/Larry
Coach Williams: Curly/Moe