Class of 2019 Senior Predictions
It’s written in the stars.
We’ve consulted the oracle. This is your prophecy.
Normally senior predictions are placed in the yearbook. However, since the yearbook will regrettably not be including them this year, we took it into our own hands. After a few Latin chants and star readings, we arrived at this comprehensive list. We strove our hardest to make these as accurate as possible, and we hope you enjoy:
Audrey Alexander: becomes the queen of Duke University
Liza Allen: goes on the Bachelorette, it then becomes a classy and an upstanding show
Caroline Allston: becomes an NFL cheerleader
Skyler Ayers: overthrows Vermont, starts her own country, makes the currency baked goods
Natalie Aversano: surpasses the FBI’s Most Wanted List, they have to make an Even More Wanted List
Jay Baek: tries to propose, but accidentally eats the engagement ring
Colin Baker: pulls a Forrest Gump and spontaneously runs across the country
Adriana Ballinger: regularly eats croissants outside of a Parisian cafe while wearing a beret
Baxter Barrett: invites the Grateful Dead to a party at Baxter’s
Eliza Basel: work gets put in the Metropolitan Museum of Art
Razeen Basunia: defies all known laws of physics, somehow creates a black hole in his garage
Eli Beall: accidentally surfs to Europe, gets there, and calls Queen Elizabeth “bro”
Helen Beischel: adopts all the stray dogs in the Northern Hemisphere
Mason Bishop: models for LL Bean
Abby Bonner: wins an Oscar but can’t make it through her acceptance speech because she’s crying too hard
Malia Borg: finds an elixir that grants immortality, spills it
Kevin Boyd: creates a vaccine for every disease known to mankind
Andrew Boyles: rides into the sunset on a tractor
Bryan Bracy: escapes from a tornado in a Jeep that’s powered completely by Seasons of Japan white sauce
Gia Braddock: makes the Forbes 30 Under 30 list
Rion Brown: becomes a NY Times Bestselling Author of self-help books
Ashley Bryan: writes the greatest pick-up line of all time
Max Cabrera: owns a designer line of high-fashion capes
Adriana Carter: wins the Pulitzer Prize for Literature
Hayley Cash: owns a Stradivarius violin
Qian Chang: starts his own guitar brand after accumulating a Baskin Robbins fortune
Beauregard Cochran: gets recognized as a debutante just for his name
Sera Cole: spikes a volleyball into the Sun
Alanah Colestock: adopts every orphan in the world, puts Angelina Jolie to shame
Riane Coman: wins the World Cup singlehandedly
John Conley: becomes an archaeologist in Europe and discovers an ancient civilization
Tommy Crookes: hides the Hope Diamond inside his beanie, gets away with it
Josh Cumins: owns the largest collection of Rolexes known to mankind
Beau Dosher: takes Sauce Hoss international
Caroline Mackay Drolet: does a backflip over the entirety of the Atlantic Ocean
Elly Durante: gets mistaken for Megan Fox, is cast in the new Transformers
Andrea Edwards: finds the cure for cancer, is so nice she lets someone else take credit
Mary Helen Elliott: moves to Scotland and masters the bagpipes
Sophie Estoppey: becomes Secretary-General of the United Nations
Addie Ethredge: is the go-to celebrity for high fashion
Madison Facello: becomes a Russian ballerina
Emma Louise Farmer: becomes a Shark Tank entrepreneur
Grace Fellows: throws a yearly temper tantrum when the Patriots don’t win the Super Bowl
Ethan Fewell: wins the World Series but puts diesel in his car on the way home
Jessica Forney: accidentally becomes professional cheerleader, never stops hating it
Luke Freudenheim: throws a basketball from the US and successfully makes it in the basket in Australia
Gage Gailbreath: owns a bunker in New Zealand, from which he hacks into the mainframe
Hannah Garcia: singlehandedly ends the stigma surrounding Pit Bulls; Pit Bull makes a song about her
Ben Garner: becomes highest-paid spikeball athlete
Julian Gatch: is discovered to have been an undercover CIA agent this whole time
Meredith Gee: graduates first in her class for nursing
Alec Goldberg: becomes the man
Sydney Graves: travels the globe, becomes the most cultured person on the planet
Jourdan Gruber: genetically modifies a Capri Sun to make it contain all daily nutrients
Zinnia Harris: owns a wildly successful nail salon
Graysen Hasty: Beyoncé becomes her backup dancer
Stephen Hilton: takes Magnet’s Academic Team international, more people watch its championship than the Superbowl
Stephen Holderness: hits a baseball so far into outer space it obliterates the Moon
Sarah Hudock: runs the ACLU, eliminates injustice
Graham Inabnett: starts a cult
Shabih Jafri: wins the Presidential election wearing a Spiderman costume, giggles
Paul Jiang: becomes the world’s most in-demand fashion model without realizing it
Lyle Johnson: Ed Sheeran becomes a tribute act for him
Miles Jones: climbs Mt. Everest and skis back down
Anthony Joyce: grows so tall he enters the stratosphere
Abby Keating: starts her own Ivy League university
Daniel Killough: becomes the CEO of Discord
Andre Koka: develops artificial intelligence that passes the Turing Test, accidentally destroys the human race
Lilly Ku: wins an Olympic gold medal in every sport
Kate Kuisel: marries Elon Musk in a Tesla
Lindsay Lankau: buys her own Caribbean island
Sully Lant: becomes the manager for a death metal band
Sam Leach: resurrects Seabiscuit, proceeds to win the Kentucky Derby
Parker LeClerc: Michael Phelps asks him to teach him swimming lessons
JC Lesesne: body checks Floyd Mayweather
Sallie Limehouse: goes on Web MD, diagnoses herself with every disease known to mankind
Jared Lipton: takes over California, the only people allowed inside the state are him and Cardi B
Christopher Littlejohn: gets the first documented 37 on the ACT
Ivy Lu: is the best dressed person known to mankind
Sam Maher: definitively proves that birds are, in fact, not real
Rachel Maile: quits her 4 jobs, crashes the US economy
Will Marshall: sees dog running across street, chases it until he gets lost
Luke Matthews: flies the same path as Amelia Earhart, finds her
Hallie McClain: makes the cover of Vogue
Aubry McConnell: tames a Great White Shark, keeps it as a pet
Connor McPherson: fights Conor McGregor for spelling his name with only one “n”
Carrie Metts: is commissioned to repaint over Michelangelo’s paintings on the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel
Chase Mitchum: becomes a food critic, Gordon Ramsay asks him for his autograph
Gabby Mochizuki: owns a nonprofit and solves world hunger
Zach Moody: swims to the bottom of the Mariana Trench and back up in one breath
Grace Moorman: becomes the 5th member of Bastille
Elizabeth Moseley: walks through a hurricane to bring her friends a homecooked meal
Walton Moseley: gets cast in the live-action version of Ratatouille
Devin Narula: is the king of Wall Street
Nathan Nguyen: incites communist revolution, but then sleeps through it
Aly Nida: breaks the space-time continuum
Matthew Nofsinger: plays tennis against Serena Williams, almost wins
Sarah Norman: saves all the sea turtles
Hannah O: is the number one listened to artist on Spotify
Janie O’Shea: laughs so loud it causes a 9.5 magnitude earthquake
Dylan Odell: owns a Fortune 500 company
Vinod Pandey: takes a wrong turn to school, somehow ends up in Ukraine
John Paradise: copyright strikes Coldplay for their song “Paradise”
Mateo Pavic: is hired by the CIA to access the deep web and solve high-profile crimes
Stuart Philp: wins an Emmy, Grammy, Oscar, and Tony, becomes world’s youngest EGOT winner
Trap Puckette: becomes President, but makes a law that everybody named Paul has to change their name to Trap
Anne Claire Purcell: pawns off all her sneakers, has enough money to buy the Amazon franchise
Chloe Putnam: becomes a KPOP phenomenon
Dillon Ranwala: owns the entire Gucci franchise
Jackson Ray: singlehandedly resurrects Atlanta Bread Company in the Charleston area
Annie Riesberg: surpasses Babe Ruth, but in softball
Bella Rocco: becomes the ultimate lax bro
Sarah Romagnuolo: perfects every dance from Just Dance
Steven Schlosser: is discovered to actually be a Greek God
Emma Sherman: becomes president of Clemson University
Aileen Shi: starts the Garfield comics back up
Sidney Simpson: gets a Guinness World Record for most school absences
Jake Smalley: everyone thinks he’s deaf, actually can’t hear anyone because he has AirPods in
Rachel Smith: performs acclaimed concerts in which she plays the piano upside-down
Samantha Smith: has her own E! reality show
Kirkland Smith: yells “fire” in a crowded movie theater, enjoys the chaos
Morgan Southworth: establishes Hawaii as its own country, it becomes a world superpower within months
James Staubes: hacks into the Pentagon just for fun
Rachael Stokes: draws something so accurate everything thinks it’s a photograph
Tori Streetman: takes over for César Milan and becomes the the first female dog whisperer
Rifah Tasnia: is discovered to have been the star of a hidden-camera TV show for years
Anna Tortorici: throws a frisbee so fast it breaks the sound barrier
Maria Traver: cuts somebody just by looking at them with her precise eyeliner wings
Ryan Troy: circumnavigates the world by swimming, puts Ferdinand Magellan to shame
Ean Tucker: steals your man
Acacia Van Kirk: owns an acacia tree orchard
Greta Waits: subsists entirely on guacamole for the rest of her life
William Wendt: goes on Jeopardy, has a 15-year winning streak
Zach Wallace Wright: writes a political commentary column for the NY Times
Rachel Walmet: goes to NYC, accidentally joins a soul cycle cult
Bohan Wang: accesses a wormhole to an alternate universe
Pauline Wang: collects all the Infinity Stones, defeats Thanos
Victoria Waterfield: has the sickest tats
Max Windom: perfects the route over the Don Holt, eliminates traffic forever
Mary Grace Wolf: becomes America’s Next Top Model, didn’t even audition
Savannah Wray: creates the perfect acai bowl and has a shrine built in her honor at Beech
Angela Yang: wins a Nobel Prize in every category
Cannon Yarborough: starts his own E-Sports team
Lauren Yates: gets a degree in every medical field
Jonathan Ye: is the successful owner of an internationally-acclaimed meme account
Caroline Young: wins Miss Congeniality ten years in a row consecutively
Esther Yu: her last words are Moana lyrics
Forrest Zach: creates his own computer console, it only takes him 5 minutes
Yuna Zhao: controls electricity with her mind
Andrew Zimlich: goes on a walk, accidentally ends up in Area 51, is never seen again
Greg Zynoyko: sleeps through the AP Calc exam but still gets a 5