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Academic Magnet High School - North Charleston, South Carolina.


  • Feb 26 / Lacrosse - Varsity BoysAcademic Magnet High School - 8, Efingham - 18
  • Feb 25 / Lacrosse - Varsity GirlsAcademic Magnet High School - 11, Ashley Hall - 6
  • Feb 24 / Lacrosse - Varsity BoysAcademic Magnet High School - 4, James Island - 19
  • Feb 24 / Lacrosse - Varsity GirlsAcademic Magnet High School - 19, James Island - 9
  • Feb 24 / Lacrosse - JV BoysAcademic Magnet High School - 5, James Island - 12
Academic Magnet High School - North Charleston, South Carolina.


Academic Magnet High School - North Charleston, South Carolina.



Chloe Trowman

What’s up Magnet! My name is Chloe Trowman, and I am so excited to be one of the writers for the Talon this year! Unfortunately I am chronically late so let’s hope I get all of my articles in on time! If I’m not on a boat, you could probably find me on the tennis courts or surfing. I also play lacrosse but you would never find me there in my free time. I manage the tennis Instagram so go follow please → @amhsgtennis. I’m also a spirit leader so look out for me at the football games and get ready for some fun themes! If I have one goal in life, it is to meet Alix Earle. Coffee is one thing I could not live without, other than the Hot Mess podcast. I’m super excited to write some articles, and I’m open to ideas so let me know!

All content by Chloe Trowman