Academic Magnet High School - North Charleston, South Carolina.

Senior Theses for the Class of 2016

May 13, 2016

  1. Evey Adams: A Study Investigating the Effect of N-Acetylcysteine and Vitamin D Neuroprotective Intervention on Glutathione Levels and Motor Skills When Treating Hypoxic-Ischemia
  2. Henry Ahern: Analyzing the Effects of Occupational Therapy on a Child with Cerebral Palsy’s Dressing Skills
  3. Andrew Alberg: Analysis of the United States’ Regulatory and Iceland’s Free Market Solutions to the Financial Crisis of 2007
  4. Wade Allen: The Effect of Race on the Outcome of Trans-catheter Aortic Value Replacement
  5. Josh Alvarado: Determining the United States Approach to Mexican Immigration in the Future
  6. Erin Atz: Effects of After-School Tutoring on Low-Income Elementary School Students
  7. Ben Auten: Analyzing the Impact of Decision Making at the Collegiate Level due to the NCAA’s Loss-of-Value Insurance Policy
  8. Emily Aysse: Comparing Walt Whitman’s and Mary Oliver’s Environment and Poetry
  9. Ardeshir Bahadori: Effects of Political Framing on Nuclear Programs
  10. Lauren Baldo: A Study Examining the Effects of Teenagers’ Sleep Patterns after Creating Awareness Regarding the Importance of Sleep
  11. States Beall: The Relationship between American Gender Roles and the Portrayal of Gender in Videos Games during the Late 1980s and Early 1990s.
  12. Thomas Bennett: Creating a Realistic Video Game About Surviving on Mars
  13. Rachel Biggs: The Effects of Poly-N-Acetyl-Glucosamine Nanofibers on the Stimulation of Wound Healing with the Activation of TLR4
  14. Caroline Black: The Effect of Weather and Game Time on Statistics and Game Outcome Expectancy in 12U Youth Baseball in South Carolina
  15. Anna Book: : Enhancing Cultural Diversity in the High School English Literature Classroom
  16. Janae Bowman: Designing Seasonal Print Advertisements for a New Bakery in the Downtown Charleston Area: Examining the Role of Changing Factors Concerning Literary Subtext in the Field of Advertising and the Restaurant Industry
  17. Creed Branham: Fishery Dependent Sample of Snowy Grouper Age, Growth, and Reproduction
  18. Will Bridgham: Comparison of the Volume of Consumption of Sugar-sweetened Beverages Among Severely Obese Adolescents Ages 12-19 to the Amount Consumed by the General Population of Adolescents Ages 12-19 in America
  19. Mary Peyton Brown: Examining Social Media as a Tool for Fashion Marketing Through Blogging
  20. Jason Brule: Outdoor Activity and Mood
  21. Carter Brzezinski: Quality of Diet’s Effect on Severity of Symptoms of Fatigue and Overtraining in High School Swimmers
  22. Sam Cabiness: Historical Development of Windmills in Colonial Charleston.
  23. Maddy Carens: Increasing Access to Psychological Assessment and Therapy for Spanish Speakers
  24. Gypzy Carrigg: The Production of a Music Video
  25. Ethan Carter: A Study to Examine the Positive and Negative Benefits of Napping on Alertness, Emotion, Memory, and Mood
  26. Nick Carter: A Study of Feline Behavior and Organization in Domestic or Feral Shelter Cats
  27. Chris Chaplin: High Speed 3-D Imaging with Two-Photon Light Speed Microsopy
  28. James Cheng: Factors Affecting the American Dairy Industry’s Entry into the Chinese Market
  29. Rachel Clyburn: Analysis of the Correlation between PBIS and Both School Arrests and Incarceration Rates in Charleston County School District
  30. Ben Cottingham: How to Plan and Execute a Long Distance Bike Trip as a High Schooler
  31. Karlie Craddock: Determining Autistic Adolescents’ Eligibility for Equine Assisted Psychotherapy v. Clinical Therapy
  32. Laurel Cross: Using Art to Raise Awareness of Ocean Pollution
  33. Emma Crowfoot: A Study of Rates of the Caret Caret and Lepidochelys Kempii to Produce a Comprehensive Diet Plan for Sea Turtles Admitted to a Rehabilitation Facility from Admission to Release
  34. Jakob Cumins: Psychology of Restaurant Menu Design
  35. Alex Cunningham Wilderness Search and Rescue
  36. Danny Cunningham: The Immediate Effects of Exercise on Test Taking in a High Pressure High School Environment
  37. Eduardo da Costa: Brazilian Popular Music and the Military Dictatorship from 1964-1985
  38. Natalie Davidson: Montessori Education and Developmental Psychology
  39. Kyle Davis: Neurophysiological Implications of Whole Body Vibration Treatment
  40. Lee Davis: A Study to Examine Why Heat was a Factor in the Buckling of Steel Perimeter Columns in the World Trade Center Towers
  41. Joseph DeVito: The Influence of the Hays Code and the Post-Hays Rating System on Disney Film Adaptations of the Grimm Brothers’ Fairy Tales
  42. Hayden DiBona: Overtraining and Stress in Club Swimmers
  43. Lauren Dickman: Establishing a Community Pharmacy in Victoria, Australia
  44. Ariel Dornisch: Creating a Museum Exhibit with the Subjects of Three Ancient Mediterranean Women Rulers
  45. Anne Doscher: Preventing Overuse Injuries in High School Baseball and Softball Players Through Exercise
  46. Daniel Ethredge: Impact of New Infrastructure on Koscuiszko Circle in Columbia Point
  47. Kristin Fairey: Knowledge on Recovery Nutrition: Female Adolescent Distance Runners
  48. Blake Farrell: Musical Careers of James Brown and Mavis Staples and Their Influence on Modern Music
  49. Elayna Gleaton: An Explanation of the Linguistic Effects of the Internet on English
  50. Jason Goldberg: Investigating how PF cecharn Color Schemes can affect a Player’s Performance in a Single Video Game
  51. Jensen Haldrup: Adolescent Response to Logo Redesign by Gender
  52. Noa HaLevi: A Study Examining the Creation of Introductory Chemical Education Laboratories Testing Charleston Area Water Quality
  53. Connor Hall: A Study to Examine General Aviation Accident Rates and Education
  54. Sarah Hand: Exploring Teachers’ and Students’ Perceptions Regarding Gender and STEM Fields in a Gifted and Talented High School Setting
  55. Erica Hoskins: Using Material Science and Physics to Re-engineer a Steel String Guitar
  56. Katie Hulsey: American Definitions of Beauty Based on the Miss America and Miss USA Pageants
  57. Emily Ingalls: Increasing the Efficacy of Corneal Cross-Linking [CXL] on Keratoconic Eyes by Using Pulsing UV-A Light
  58. Josh Isaacks: The Utilization of Saline Aquifers in Coal Fired Power Plants in SC
  59. Dashiell Jay: The Determination of the Most Efficacious Treatment for Pregnant Women Dependent Upon Prescription Opioids
  60. Hannah Jellema: A Comparison of the Construction of Castle Pinckney and Fort Moultrie in 1809
  61. Dawn Jensen: Effects of TMS on Response to Cues in Different ROIs in Cocaine Addicts
  62. Amelia Johnson: The Reiteration of ‘Cupid and Psyche’ into a Modern Literary Work
  63. Elle Johnson – Analyzing Verbal Abuse in Published Young Adult Literature and Fanfiction
  64. Maddox Johnston – An Analysis of Hunting License Sales and Conservation
  65. Margaret Rose Jones: How Specific Stretching in Tennis to Increase Flexibility Can Reduce the Risk of Injuries
  66. Emily Jordan: Effective Treatments for Alzheimers and Dementia
  67. Harrison Kerr: The Gamification of Language Education as an Alternative Teaching Method for Middle School Aged English Speaking Students
  68. Coleman Kiester: Determining the Variables of Pharmaceutical Contamination in the Waterways of South Carolina
  69. Taylor King: Mixing with Compression and Equalization
  70. Olivia Kinsinger: Understanding the Cellular Mechanisms of FTY720 induced Neuroptgosis in Lung Cancer Cells
  71. Mary Geer Kirkland: The Incorporation of Learning-Style Based Teaching into the Design of a Tennis Curriculum for Elementary Age Children
  72. Jacob Kunkle: Determining the Process of Adapting a Tiny House for Prefabrication
  73. Kat Koval: The Creation of a Presentation for the Student Body of AMHS to Reduce Homophobic Behavior
  74. Zach Lanning: Prevalence of Fatigue as an Influential Factor of ACL Injuries
  75. Matthew Leadem: The Influence of Personality Type on Foreign Language Acquisition
  76. Heather Lee: Evaluation of Social Skills Intervention for Youth With Austism Spectrum Disorder
  77. Thomas Lehman: A Study Examining the Effect of Emotional Arousal on Prospective Memory Processes
  78. Clarissa Lippert: Major Depressive Disorder and Religion in Adult Females of the Southern Baptist Convention
  79. Robyn Loucks: Public Opinion on Vaccination as Seen Through Internet Comments
  80. Robert Lowry: Investigating Correlations Between Skill in the Visual Arts and Neat Handwriting Through a Double Blind Placebo Test on College Seniors
  81. Isabelle Luckie: Evolution of Gender Role Attitudes from Generation Y to Generation Z
  82. Megan MacAulay: How Vegetarianism Affects BMI
  83. Matthew Martin: Modeling the Energy Harvesting and Savings of Piezoelectric Revolving Doors
  84. Carson Matsick: An Analysis and Viewpoint of Linguistic Origin Theories
  85. Sophie McCallum: The Design and Production of an Effective and Realistic Hypothetical Carbon Tax Bill for the State of South Carolina
  86. Clifton McDonald : Effects of Different Tread Patterns on Fuel Economy
  87. Emily McGee: The Effects of Frequent Aerobic Exercise and Yoga on Perceived Stress Levels of Gifted Adolescents
  88. Kyle McGue: Foot Orientation During the Landing Phase of a Runner’s Stride and its Effect on Performance
  89. Mackie McLernon: Examining the Effects of Negativity and Toxicity on Team Cohesion and Win Rate in League of Legends
  90. Lauren Medich: The Effects of Residential Patterns on Tipping Trends in American Sit-down Restaurants
  91. Sam Menkus: Augmented Reality for Face Detection
  92. Megan Michalski: How to Fix World Disorder
  93. Phillip Middleton : Use of Drones to Benefit the Bridge Inspection Process
  94. Silas Miller: An Endeavor to Learn to Design and Create a 2.5D Action Video Game Using Unity
  95. Keb Mosley-Kellum: The Effects of Racism on Educational Disparities in South Carolina
  96. Shani Mueller: Determining the Effects of FIFA’s “the 11+” on Injury Prevention and Dynamic Balance in Male and Female Adolescent Soccer Players
  97. Jacob Nash: Using LANDSAT Satellite Imaging to Predict Chlorophyll Levels in the Western Basin of Lake Erie
  98. Owen Navarro: An Analysis of Sustainable Construction and Business Management
  99. Darius Nwokike: Proper Weightlifting Protocols for Football Performance
  100. Ian Ouellette: Effects of Britain and India’s Industrializations on Urban Population Growth and Average Wage
  101. Arran Parker: Maturation of hiPSCs Through Continuous Electrical Stimulation
  102. John Pavlides: The Development and Optimization of a Three-Dimensional. Alginate-Encapsulated Intervertebral Disc Cell Culture System
  103. Mikhail Pekar: Evolutionary Mimesis: The Influence of Birdsong on Classical Composers Throughout Musical History
  104. Allison Peurifoy: A Content Analysis to Examine How Models are Presented Through Advertisements in Mainstream Beauty Magazines vs. Race-Based Magazines
  105. Cooper Pitts: A Study Examining the Effects of Body Position on a Time 15 Meter Underwater Swim Using the Underwater Dolphin Kick
  106. William Pitts: The Effects of Biphasic Sleep on Cognitive Functioning
  107. Alexis Polcyn: Preventing Overuse Injuries in High School Baseball and Softball Players Through Exercise
  108. Maddie Claire Proctor: The Study of Factors Related to Marketing Which Increase the Profitability of a Fundraiser for Nonprofit Organizations Through Coordinating a 5K Run in Charleston, South Carolina
  109. William Pugh: Delivery of siRNAs into Oral Cancer Cells using a Dual Peptide Delivery System
  110. Tony Reda – Host Persistance psuedoporqnospora cuberisis in cucumis melon
  111. Ben Redden: The Effects of Weather on Waves
  112. Maegan Reed: The Impact of Mental Imagery on Athletes’ Sport Confidence during Reconstructive ACL Rehabilitation
  113. Maryanna Reed: Use of Pinterest in Marketing Strategies of Fashion Companies
  114. Grace Rieflin: Effective Design Strategy in a Static Public Safety Campaign for Improved Adolescent Driver Preparedness
  115. Eliza Rivers: An Imitation of the Abstract Art of Georgia O’Keeffe from 1915-1918
  116. Eli Roberts: The Design of a 3D Printed Anthropomorphic Robotic Hand
  117. Dylan Robinson: The Design and Manufacture of an Inexpensive Personal Solar Desalination Device
  118. Anne Rodgers: Gender Discrimination in Basic Education in Honduras
  119. Emma Rodgers: The Effects of Free Swim Teaching Programs on the Aquatic Skills of Minority and Underprivileged Children
  120. Hallie Roerden: The Capacity of Gilial Cells and Their Use as Neural Stem Cells in Cases of Sensori Neural Hearing Loss in a Young and Old Mouse Model
  121. Emily Rojas: The Feasibility of 1:1 iPad Program in CCSD
  122. Phoebe Rudolph: The Role of Contemporary and Historic Events in George Romero’s Zombie Films
  123. Mika Sakamoto: Examining Differences in Anterior Cruciate Ligament Laxity Dependent Upon Menstrual Cycle Phase
  124. Betsy Samber: Effects of a Reduction of Meat Consumption in Average American Diet: Implications for CO2 Equivalent Emissions and Health
  125. Jameson Sanders: Measuring the Circumstellar Disk Around the Sun-like Star HD181327 with the Hubble Space Telescope
  126. Isabella Schafer: The Influence of Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation on Post Stroke Depression
  127. Madison Santi: Gap Year Options for American High School Students
  128. Nate Schlosser: A Study Investigating the Effects of Low Fat, Unsaturated Fat, and Saturated Fat Diets on Pro-inflammatory cytokine expression in Non-alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease in Specific-pathogen-free and Germ-free Mice in the Presence and Absence of Gut Microbiota
  129. Miranda Schwacke: Cosensitization of Natural Dyes in Dye Sensitized Solar Cells
  130. Savannah Seeber: Discussing the Need for Personal Financial Education in Charleston County School District
  131. MacKenna Smith: The Effects of Omega-3 Fatty Acids on Postpartum Depression
  132. Vivian Song: The Effects of Graphene on P3HT Synthesis for the Use of Organic Solar Cells
  133. Maddie Steen: Construction of a Cost-Efficient, Vernacular, and Sustainable Backyard Shelter for Under $500
  134. Peter Sterckx: Analyzing the Effects of Applying Subcritical Fluids to Transform and Extract Chloride Ions from Copper Corrosion Products Related to Bronze Disease
  135. Whitney Su: Effects of Mutation on Seed Side and Seed Number in Arabidopsis Thailanaaa
  136. Penelope Summerall: The Influence of Childhood Trauma on Dissociative Symptoms of PTSD
  137. Amber Thomas: The Use of the Ideology of F. Scott Fitzgerald and the Design of a Theoretical Utopian Society
  138. Bridget Tunney -: Alcohol Approach Avoidance Task and Adolescent Drinking
  139. John Michael Wager: Effects of Subliminal Priming on Nonconscious Processing Related to Trendy vs. Practical-Oriented Goals
  140. Nathan Wan: Determining the Resistance of Genetically Disease Resistant Tomato Cultivars to Tomato Mottle Mosaic Virus
  141. Tim Wang: Phenotype of Fibrocytes in Mice Skin Cells
  142. Reaves Wannamaker: Comparison of Cocas Cultivation Statistics in Colombia and Bolivia Prior to the cancellation of Colombia’s Aerial Radication Program
  143. Connor Woods: The Effects of the New Flat-seam Baseball on College Baseball
  144. Haven Xu: Disadvantages of CCSD’s Discipline Practices and Policies
  145. Tiffany Yeung: : Investigating the Role of Membrane Type 1 Manta Metalloproteinase in Cellular Signaling
  146. Xiaolan You: Written Reviews for the Analysis and Interpretation of Recent Research in Women’s Health
  147. Elaine Zhou: Using Statistical Analysis Models to Predict the 2020 Olympic Trials Time Standard for the 100-Meter Butterfly
  148. Zachary Zuber: An Analysis of the Political Components of the Decline of the Roman Republic and a Comparison to Modern America


Theses from the class of 2015:

Class of 2015 Theses!

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