Magnet Twins No Longer Wombmates in College

Maegan Reed (Clemson), Emma Rodgers (Clemson), Maryanna Reed (UGA), and Anne Rodgers (Washington and Lee) in their college Ts

There are only 34 days standing between the senior class and graduation. Then, a few short months of summer until they will officially be college students. For twins, the college decision poses a unique dilemma. After 18 years of sharing everything, these magnets twins will head their separate ways.

Anne and Emma Rodgers

As the only set of identical twins in the school, everyone was surprised that Anne and Emma decided to attend different colleges. Next year, Anne will attend Washington and Lee University, while Emma will head to Clemson University in the Fall. Now the big question is, how will these two survive without one another for more than a few hours?

The journey from Clemson to Washington and Lee: 5 hours 30 min

On a scale from 1-10, how sad are you that you won’t be with your twin?

Emma: 100000000000000000000000

Anne: The separation anxiety is real.

What will be the hardest part of being away from your twin?

Emma: It will all be hard.

Anne: Not having someone to drive me around.

How do plan to keep in touch? How often will you talk?

Emma: Every second of every day.

Anne: Call me, beep me if you want to reach me, doesn’t matter where, doesn’t matter when, I’ll be there for you till the very end. Danger or trouble, I’m there on the double. You know that you always can call, your twin-in-in.

What is your biggest worry about your twin being without you?

Emma: That I will spontaneously combust out of missing her too much.

Anne: Spontaneous combustion, as well.

Maegan and Maryanna Reed

While not as genetically similar as the Rodgers, the Reed twins share the same inseparability. It was extremely difficult to make the decision to spend the next 4 years apart, but they decided they must forge their own way in the world. Next year, Maegan will head to Clemson, while Maryanna will attend the University of Georgia.

The journey from Clemson to Athens: 1 hour 30 min

On a scale from 1-10, how sad are you that you won’t be with your twin?

Maegan: 11.

Maryanna: 12. It’s going to be really hard to not be able to see my best friend every day after school.

What will be the hardest part of being away from your twin?

Maegan: Not being able to get her fashion advice whenever I need it.

Maryanna: Not being able to ask her questions about homework or telling her about everything that happened that day.

How do plan to keep in touch? How often will you talk?

Maegan: We will probably use FaceTime A LOT and call each other A LOT and text constantly.

Maryanna: We’ll probably text everyday and talk at least once a week. Since we’re pretty close, we can even meet for lunch every now and then!

What is your biggest worry about your twin being without you?

Maegan: I’ll miss her so much I’ll implode, and her roommate is from Colorado, so……

Maryanna: That she’ll make so many new friends in college and replace me with someone better.

Ben and Clare Auten

Some people might not know that senior Ben Auten has a twin sister. With Clare attending Wando High School the past 4 years, this set of twins has already experienced a taste of what college will be like. Ben will be going to Texas Christian University and Clare will attend Queens University of Charlotte.

The journey from TCU to Charlotte: 15 hours 30 min 🙁

On a scale from 1-10, how sad are you that you won’t be with your twin?


What will be the hardest part of being away from your twin?

Our nightly dinner conversations.

How do plan to keep in touch? How often will you talk?

I’ll probably just text her or call her maybe like once a month.

Zach and Ben Zuber

Similar to the Auten twins, the Zubers spent their high school years at separate schools, so they are relatively used to spending most of their day apart. Next year, however, Zach will be attending Clemson, most likely without his SOA twin Ben.

On a scale from 1-10, how sad are you that you won’t be with your twin?


What will be the hardest part of being away from your twin?

I won’t have someone that basically can hang out every time I can hang out.

How do plan to keep in touch? How often will you talk?

Probably by text at least once every couple of weeks.