In the spirit of senior college decisions in the coming weeks, I sent out a form to collect responses on the colleges that freshmen and sophomores predict they will go to. Although it is too early for any of these students to know where they are going to college, let’s read some of the responses!
As expected, I received many responses from Clemson, a very popular school due to its proximity to Charleston and low cost.
The first response was from Keely Yagel. She said she wants to go to Clemson because she has been doing a Clemson workshop over the summer, which will pay for a majority of her tuition.
The following response came from Leah, but for Clemson Honors. She said, “I’ve always wanted to attend Clemson Honors and UNC Chapel Hill for medical school after undergrad. I love the feel of a college town like Clemson and the campus in general.” Leah claims this has been her dream since she was seven years old!
University of Miami:
The next most answered college was UMiami, and although these students did not explain much about why they wanted to go there, I understand wanting to be in the warm weather year round!
Georgia Tech:
Whitney Gwisc said she wants to go to Georgia Tech because it is the perfect distance away, Atlanta is a cool city, pretty campus, and it has really good STEM programs. She has wanted to go here for 2 years!
West Point Academy:
An anonymous student stated he wanted to go to West Point Academy because although “it sounds corny, the army life calls to me, and the idea of serving my country despite its issues sounds fulfilling.” How noble! This student has wanted to attend West Point for three years.
Another anonymous student reported they wanted to go to Duke because of its many pros including that it is not very far from South Carolina and the school has a good Biomedical Engineering program. The student also loves the campus and the student life sounds fun. They have wanted to go here since freshman year!
University of Iowa:
One student reported that the University of Iowa would be their top choice as a senior.
University of Hawaii:
Max Hansen explained how he wants to go to the University of Hawaii because “it’s in Hawaii” and he has wanted to go there for “a while”
Washington University:
Molly Janech reports she would want to go to Washington U because she toured it and really enjoyed it. She said she has only wanted to go to this university for about a year.
College of Charleston:
Yidong Ye explained how College of Charleston would be a prime school to attend because it would be cheaper and they can stay at home without having to leave the house. As well as not having to make their own food as that would save a lot of time. Mostly to not pay for household items and utilities. Yidong has wanted to go here for 3 years
Magnet student, Caleb, has wanted to go to MIT for two years because it is the best school for engineering.
Will Altman explained how he would love to go to Northwestern because his dad went to this school. He has wanted to go here for two years.
An anonymous student reported they wanted to go to Harvard because they are “super duper smart and know that [they] can get in really easily since [their] parents and grandparents all went there and [they] have to continue the legacy.” They have wanted to go here for as long as they can remember