After the publication of my last article on the topic of the most common excuses given by students to teachers, our wonderful attendance lady, Mrs. Fisher, informed me that she has some great excuses students have given for being late to school. So this article is a part 2 dedicated to those ridiculous excuses and if any of these excuses are one of yours, this is no hate to you,; it is simply a shout out in the interest of entertainment.
Getting locked in the bedroom
When I heard about this story I had to have a good laugh out loud and I believe everyone should hear this story to brighten up their day. The alleged story goes… the person who used this as an excuse had somehow got locked in their bedroom, and due to this, they were forced to crawl out of the window to make it to school. Obviously, this situation would cause you to be late because you would lose time planning a way out of your room and then executing the window crawl. True or not this person gets full points for creativity and I hope that your tardy was excused.
Stuck in Seatbelt
It is so simple, yet so real, yet so unbelievable. Now, if you were truly stuck in your seat belt I am not sure how you’d find your way out without cutting it and if you had the tools on hand it wouldn’t take you long. But let us use our imagination here for a second; you are pulling into the parking lot with only a few seconds to kill and BAM your seat belt won’t unbuckle. You have two options: find a seatbelt cutter and two: slide your way out. Either option would understandably take a few minutes and I can see why that would cause you to be late.
I personally love this little remark as a late excuse because it truly illustrates the lack of care that a late student has when it comes to having to be creative for the tardy to be excused. We have all been there: long morning rushing out the door and arriving late but with no good reason, what else are you supposed to say? Keep it simple and keep it real.
A classic way to spice up the “I slept in” excuse, which continues to be a timeless masterpiece in the gallery of tardiness explanations. So, picture this: You’re nestled in your warm, cozy bed, dreaming of cute puppies, receiving an Oscar, or finally winning over the love of your life, when suddenly you hear your alarm clock and instead of jumping up you decide it’s too early to start the day and instead hit the snooze button for the umpteenth time. Before you know it, you are late, and what better way to put it than that you were simply catching z’s.
Fire Truck/Cement Truck/School Bus in Front of Me