An Exclusive Look at Talon Newsroom

What goes on behind the scenes of each issue.

While many of you enjoy reading the Talon and (hopefully) look forward to the biweekly issues, it’s a mystery what actually goes on behind the scenes. Today, I want to give all of you an inside peek at the AMHS Talon Newsroom. 

Start of Each Issue

Each issue starts at the beginning of the week after a publication, usually a Monday or Tuesday. A spreadsheet will be sent to each writer where we can brainstorm and record the articles for the next issue. Usually half the class knows exactly what they want to write while the other half has no clue. Sometimes there will be a list of necessary articles, such as updates on school sports or faculty, that need to be included. For this issue in particular, it was a priority to include all upcoming spring sports. This process will take about a day and of course changes are always made to the article line up. In general, most writers have freedom to write what they want.

The Writing Begins

Once the articles have been decided then the writing begins. This can be different to each article, some require sending out google forms, others require interviews. And of course, all of our review articles need the writer to actually try what they are reviewing for complete authenticity. It can be a struggle for some to start their articles, which is where changes to the previously mentioned spreadsheet come in. 


Many have asked if the AMHS newsroom has any drama, and I am happy to report that we’re (mostly) drama free. Of course there are a variety of perspectives in the class which can lead to some disagreements, but I like to think this makes for a better newspaper. Many have described the atmosphere of the newsroom as “tense”, “high stakes” and obviously “coursing with creativity”. 

The Writers

The Talon staff is made up of twenty-seven seniors dedicated to providing our readers with the best possible content. The is an array of interests in the room which helps make a well rounded newspaper. I can happily say everyone is a talented writer and couldn’t be happier with the writers. This years Talon has reached new records of interaction and we have our Talon staff to thank.

Curve Balls

Every so often, there is a curve ball thrown at us, the week of publication day. This past Tuesday, Mr. Perlmutter informed me of some articles he would like to see, and I agreed that they were important in keeping our raptors up to date. One of these articles included attending the City Council meeting, Tuesday night, and needless to say it was scramble time. Luckily one of our writers, Carolyn Selvidge stepped up to the plate so it was crisis averted. Big events in the news or new school events can also create some needed additions to each publication.

Publication Day

By far the most important and tense day in the newsroom had to be publication day. Every article had to be approved by Mrs. Hurt and read to check for errors and content. Afterwards, myself and co editor in chief, Lilly Skinner, have to categorize each article and select what will be in the showcase. In case you didn’t know, the showcase is the big slideshow you see on at the top of the Talon website. We like to select articles mainly about student life with one or two about important news. The goal of the showcase is really to feature articles we think our readers would be interest in.

Once the articles have been proof read, categorized, and tagged, the most tedious part of the publication process beings. The Talon website has to be rearranged for the new articles and made to look adequate with equal columns. This can take a lot of trial and error but is worth it when the issue comes together. After the website has been properly arranged, Lilly and I will go through and publish each article. We have to double check the website for any unforeseen errors and make the proper adjustments. Following this, Mrs. Hurt will send out the blast email, letting everyone know that the new Talon issue has been officially published.

Personally, I have found writing for the Talon to be one of my favorite parts of my Magnet experience. I would highly recommend taking the class your senior year, if you can, so you can take part in what you just read. I hope you enjoy this weeks issue and this inside look into how it was made.