Introducing: AMHS Girls Lacrosse 2023

Get to know our lady raptors!

As you all are likely well aware, spring sports are underway. Tennis, track, and baseball are all wonderful sports here at AMHS during the spring, but arguably the most exciting sport during this time is lacrosse. Namely, our girls lacrosse team has some stellar elements that deserve to be highlighted.

The girls lacrosse team has practice every day of the week after school. They practice in one of our many sporting fields, working hard every day to hone their skills. Their coaches are Coach Clara and Coach Camille, a pair of twins who have been fierce lacrosse players for many years.

The AMHS girls lacrosse team circa 2022

On game days, which can be found listed below, the girls home stadium is D4 Stadium.


February 23rd (5:00 pm) v. JICHS

February 28th (5:00 pm) @ Phillip Simmons

March 6th (6:00 pm) @ BE

March 8th (5:00 pm) v. Phillip Simmons

March 14th (5:00 pm) @ Porter Gaud

March 16th (TBA) @ JICHS

March 18th (9:00 pm) @ River Bluff

March 20th (6:30 pm) @ Lucy Beckham

March 23rd (6:00 on) v. Beaufort

March 25th (TBA) v. South Mecklenburg

March 29th (5:00 pm) v. AC Flora

March 31st (5:00 pm) v. Wando

April 6th (6:00 pm) v. Waccamaw

April 8th (TBA) v. River Ridge

Although there was not a team roster available to the press and the time of publishing, I am vaguely aware of some of the teams most senior members, who are listed below.


-Annie Cagle 

-Chandler Grace Ghegan

-Ashleigh Smith

-Dylan Geddis 

-Lily Phelps

The captains of the team include Annie Cagle (12), Chandler Grace Ghegan (12), Emerson Medlin (11), and Sophia Locascio (11).  I was lucky enough to get some inside information from Annie Cagle about her experience as a lacrosse player and as a member of the AMHS girls lacrosse team.

I first wondered how long Annie had been playing had been playing lacrosse. As her classmate and friend of many years, I knew she had been playing for a while, but I was shocked to discover that she has been a lacrosse player for 9 years!! Clearly Annie is a very dedicated player of the game. Then, to get some insight into the team, I asked Annie which game this season she is most looking forward to. Interestingly enough, she said the Phillip Simmons game, which is a home game that will be played on March 8th at 5 pm at the D4 Stadium. When I asked why, she said that the Phillip Simmons game is expected to be very competitive and high energy, something that should certainly encourage a crowd to this game! Finally, we discussed her memories on the team. When asked to chose her favorite memory, she replied with “the bus ride to ac flora last year”. While she did not explain further, one can venture to guess that the ride was a good moment of team bonding.









Their first game is TODAY 2/23! Please head out to D4 stadium to support our wonderful, hard-working lady raptors!

If you want to get more information and pictures about the team, please follow @raptorsglax on Instagram!