Vote on Where Seniors Should Go to College

Help these seniors choose where to attend school next year.

Most colleges release their acceptance decisions by April 1st of every year. Therefore, all of the options are now on the table for the class of 2022. However, the decision is not as easy as one might think: majors, financial aid, school preference, and many other factors can influence a student’s decision as to where they will ultimately attend college.


Unfortunately, May 1st is generally the deadline for accepting your seat. Such a short window leaves students with only a month to make one of the most important decisions of their lives.  


For this article, I asked seniors what schools they are considering attending this fall. Below you can find the colleges on their radar, my expert opinion, and vote on which one you think they should attend.


Marshall Fleming

  • James Madison University (Honors College)
  • Wofford College
  • Baylor University

According to Marshall, “It’s all about who gives the most money.”

Expert Opinion: James Madison University has the 3rd ranked dining options in the United States. Also, your friend Brett Cox is a short drive away at UVA. I recommend the Dukes.

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Where should Marshall go?


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Sarah Burnette

  • Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University (Prescott, Arizona Campus)
  • University of Tennessee

Expert Opinion: I had never heard of Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University until you filled out my google form. However, the school sounds super cool and I think Arizona would be a neat place to go to college. Hopefully you get to fly planes one day. I recommend the Eagles.

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Where should Sarah go?


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Caroline Horton

  • University of Georgia
  • Virginia Tech
  • Clemson University
  • Berry College

Expert Opinion: Athens, Georgia, is consistently ranked as one of the best college towns in the country. It is also an excellent school academically and located relatively close to home. I recommend the Bulldogs.

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Where should Caroline go?


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McClain Stoklosa 

  • The United States Merchant Marine Academy
  • University of Florida

Expert Opinion: I have had extensive conversations with McClain about both options. I can’t disclose all of my reasons for choosing the Merchant Marine Academy, but let’s just say that it mainly boils down to green pieces of paper. Go get that bag McClain. I recommend the Mariners.

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Where should McClain go?


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Madeline Vitalis

  • Appalachian State University
  • University of Hawai’i at Manoa

Expert Opinion: During a free-write assignment in Mrs. Lankford’s class, I ranked all 50 states from worst to first. Hawaii was #1. I recommend the Rainbow Warriors. 

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Where should Madeline go?


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Hana Hiraoka

  • University of Michigan
  • Clemson University

A quote from Hana: “Seeing *status update* really grabs your innards and turns them inside out.” 

Expert Opinion: First off, I want to say that Hana’s quote is a factual statement. Second of all, I would like to disclose that I am an Ohio State fan. As such, I cannot support Michigan in any shape or form. Acknowledging my bias, I recommend the Tigers. 

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Where should Hana go?


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Becca Marhefka

  • University College Dublin
  • University of St Andrews

Expert Opinion: I was actually in class with Becca when she received her acceptance to St Andrews, so I may be a bit biased. However, Becca hyped the school up to me, and it has the world’s most famous golf course across the street. I recommend the Lion Rampants.

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Where should Becca go?


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Taryn Crowley

  • Middlesex University London
  • Appalachian State University
  • University of Vermont
  • Sarah Lawrence College

Expert Opinion: Hallie Cole recently wrote an article about the University of Vermont and I was sold: Burlington sounds like a great college town, you can ski all winter, and there are even moose walking around! I definitely recommend the Catamounts.

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Where should Taryn go?


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Leo Sparacino

  • University of South Carolina
  • University of Minnesota
  • Brown University
  • Princeton University

Leo’s input: “Each school kinda has one thing that puts it above the rest. University of Minnesota has the best campus, Brown University has the best education, Princeton has the best location, and UofSC is the cheapest and closest. Cost is a big factor because all the other schools are pretty expensive”

Expert Opinion: Although USC may be the cheapest option, you can’t pass up the opportunity to attend an Ivy league school. If you are admitted to Brown or Princeton, I think the success their degrees will bring you later in life will make the expense worth it. I recommend the Bears or Tigers.

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Where should Leo go?


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Regan Brown

  • University of South Carolina, Honors College
  • Georgia Tech
  • Tulane University
  • Georgetown University
  • American University
  • William & Mary

Expert Opinion: This is a fantastic list of schools and it would be hard to go wrong with any of them. That being said, I think it is important to have fun in college while also getting a great education. Of the schools on this list, the one that checks both of those boxes best is Tulane. Earning a top degree in the heart of New Orleans is utopic. I recommend the Pelicans. 

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Where should Regan go?


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Gray Willits

  • Indiana University Bloomington
  • University of South Carolina

Expert Opinion: Like McClain, Gray and I have talked about this decision quite a bit. Cost is obviously a very important factor, so what I will say is that if Indiana is smart and gives you that bag, then that is the move. I recommend you to the Hoosiers, and I recommend the Hoosiers for you.

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Where should Gray go?


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Kaylin Morris

  • University of South Carolina, Honors College
  • University of South Florida
  • Florida State University

Expert Opinion: As appealing as Florida is, the USC Honors College is one of the best in the country. It would also be virtually free and is much closer to home than the other options. I recommend spring break trips to Florida, but the Gamecocks for college.

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Where should Kaylin go?


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