Introducing Raptorsglax

Sprint jogs!

With a bit of drama regarding coaches last year, Academic Magnet Women’s Lacrosse is back in full swing. With a current record of 4-3, a program best, the team has certainly made a full recovery, with Sophia LoCascio describing the year as “fun and energetic.” This year the team is led by captains Lilly Praete (12), Lulu Grubb (12), Chandler Grace Ghegan (11), and Sophia LoCascio (10), all of whom were hand-selected by our coaches, Camille and Clara O’Kane. We also have five great seniors that took charge during the preseason: Phoebe Covode, Lilly Praete, Regan Brown, Ashley Windham, and Lulu Grubb.

So far this year, the team has taken wins against Ashley Hall (scrimmage), AC Flora, James Island, Philip Simmons, and Pinewood. As lacrosse is a rather new sport to the south, many of our school’s typical opponents like Hannahan and North Charleston do not currently have teams. However, the sport is growing in popularity, as shown by the emergence of a team at West Ashley this year, who we will be playing on March 31st.

At practices, which take place every day from 4:15 PM to 6 PM on an occasionally smelly field, you may see the team doing conditioning. Our most frequented exercise is spring jogs, a common form of running in which you rapidly and repeatedly change paces. We also have done “circle of death,” in which a group cannot finish doing exercise until the other group has entirely completed four laps and then they switch. We also regularly scrimmage to prepare for game situations and will scrimmage the boy’s team at the end of the season for fun.

Off the field, the team is still rather tightknit, with a great away game carpool system and frequent food trips. Sousa Waggoner (9) claims, “Our team has such a strong connection!!! I love the bond we all share!!!” The team also worked together to carefully craft a warmup playlist that you may get the pleasure of hearing one day before a game. With notable songs of “Rasputin – Bassflow 4.0 Mix” and “Ghostbusters,” the playlist serves to encourage the team and confuse any opponents.

Coming up in the season we play: Lucy Beckham on Friday, March 25th, Phillip Simmons on Tuesday, March 29th (SENIOR NIGHT), and on Thursday, March 31st we play at West Ashley.

I had the pleasure of sitting down with players Lilly Praete, Annie Cagle, and Gus Dickinson (Men’s Team) who were able to give me some more insight into the team.

Describe this season. 

LP: Circle of death.

AC: Full of surprises.

What was your favorite year you played? 

LP: They all have a special place in my heart because I’ve seen the team change with different coaches and through Covid.

Who is someone currently or formerly on the team you look up to? 

LP: Christina Dolan was always so funny, fast, and not afraid to speak her mind. Street Wilson also because she is in her own little world and doesn’t really care and for what.

AC: Sophia. She is our leading goal scorer.

GD: I like Phoebe because she got a yellow card.

Do you have a pregame ritual? 

LP: I like to visit the hidden thrift shop outside of the D4 stadium.

AC: Listening to Rasputin.

What is your favorite song on the playlist?

LP: Rasputin (every version).

AC: Rasputin club remix.

Punxatawney Phil

If we were not the Raptors, what would our mascot be?

LP: Punxatawney Phil. After the death of Midtown Mel, the team was down, but the coaches motivated us.

AC: The gophers because other teams don’t see us coming.

Are you excited for Senior Night? 

LP: As the only four year senior, I think its been a long time coming and it will be an emotional but fun night.

AC: I’m very excited, but there are not currently plans in the works.

GD: I’m excited to see Shannon Praete.

What are your thoughts on moving from Danny Jones to the D4 Stadium? 

LP: The Danny Jones field was absolutely horrible to play on. People would come to play us and make fun of the field. The D4 Stadium is nice and has a cool locker room.

AC: The stadium is definitely better to play at than Danny Jones was.

What motivates you? 

AC:  The feeling of winning a game.

What do you think about Coach Kamp and the boy’s team? 

LP: I do really like Coach Kamp, but the boy’s lacrosse team needs to be humbled. Record and skill-wise we are better.

AC: If Coach Kamp was my coach, I would never skip a day of practice.

GD: I like Coach Kamp after he has had his Snickers.

Why should students come to a game? 

LP: We have a great warmup playlist and it’s great to see our coaches get into the game.

Advice for someone thinking of playing next year?

LP: You better get to practicing your sprint jogs.

AC: Join the team so you can meet new people. Ever since I started playing for Magnet I’ve made friends in all grades.

I think their responses speak for the team itself, as we like to play hard and work hard. A large majority of the team joined with no prior experience and have quickly picked up the sport, so if you are interested in playing next year contact Annie Cagle and Chandler Grace Ghegan.


The full roster:

Lilly Praete (12) – Attack #21

Ashley Windham (12) – Midfield #2

Lulu Grubb (12) – Defense #24

Regan Brown (12) – Attack #7

Phoebe Covode (12) – Defense #6

Ashleigh Smith (11) – Attack #10

Annie Cagle (11) – Attack #20

Chander Grace Ghegan (11) – Midfield #8

Dylan Geddis (11) – Attack #17

Emma Herrin (10) – Defense #23

Emerson Medlin (10) – Attack #5

Holly Manning (10) – Defense #12

Grace Reuben (10) – Defense #3

Louisa Mulvey (10) – Defense #19

Sophia LoCascio (10) – Midfield #11

Street Wilson (9) – Midfield #18

Sousa Waggoner (9) – Defense #14

Caroline Champagne (9) – Goalie #5