The 2021 AMHS Football Team Preview

The 2021 AMHS Football Team Preview

Lots of excitement surrounds the Academic Magnet football team for their 2021 fall season. With 13 seniors and a record 38 players on the roster, the Raptors are looking to turn the program around. 

Week 1 Recap

The Raptors kicked off their 2021 fall season last Friday against Pinewood with a 43-7 loss. Head Coach Steven Kamp returned for the game from a two-week absence, perhaps a factor in the team’s early struggles. Charlie Kuyper had three big catches totalling nearly 100 yards, and McClain Stoklosa added a touchdown on the ground. Oliver Abar also had a strong defensive effort with 3 sacks and forced fumble. The Raptors will look to rebound against Burke in a Week 2 matchup this Friday (9/3) at the Ravenel Field.

The team’s first Friday home game will be October 8th against Bishop England at the D4 Stadium. The game will be homecoming and the last event of spirit week. The Booster Club as well as senior leadership hope to break the all-time attendance record for a Magnet sporting event; and the record for most students at a single game in the D4 Stadium. According to senior Brett Cox, “We gotta be rolling 500 people deep.”


Team Introduction(s):


The seniors are led by 4-year veterans McClain Stoklosa, Julian Ford, Charlie Habakus, and Brett Cox. In addition to starting at wide receiver (WR), McClain will join Brett as the leaders of the linebacking (LB) corps of the defense. Meanwhile, Julian and Charlie will dig down in the trenches along the offensive and defensive lines. 

Three-year returners include Josh Moore, Charlie Kuyper, and John O’Neill. On offense, John is the leader of a gritty and seasoned offensive line. Charlie will line up in the slot at WR, while Josh may see time at running back (RB) as well. Defensively, Charlie and Josh look to lockdown opposing WRs from their cornerback (CB) positions. John will likely see action at LB as well.

The two-year football players are Gray Willits, William Hyatt, and Harman Pelia. William returns as starting quarterback (QB), but will not play defense because his tackling is horrendous. Gray and Harman will be starters on both sides of the field. Gray plays WR on offense and safety (S) on defense. Harman will line up beside William at RB, and lead a stout defensive line.

Lastly, three new seniors joined the team as part of an attempt to revamp the football program at AMHS. Oliver Abar is a menace off the edge of the defensive line. Mackay Collins will add depth at WR, as well as shutdown opponents at CB. Noah Hinson is a new addition to the team so his position is TBD, but his athleticism makes him a threat anywhere on the field. 

We decided to go out into the halls and stop some of the players to ask them a few pressing questions about the upcoming season.

Interview (Brett Cox):

  • What are you most excited about for the season?
      1. “I’m just so excited to see so many guys out there wanting to play football. We have the biggest team in years, we are running out of jersey’s, helmets etc. Last year we weren’t even sure we would even have a team with so few players, but now that we have the numbers, we can cook.”
  • What are your expectations for the homecoming crowd?
      1. “I want every single person reading this to be there. Last year’s crowd was disappointing so this year we gotta be rolling 500 people deep. Arrange rides now if you have to, but be there October 8th.”
  • What is your record prediction for the team this season?
      1. “I’m predicting 6-3. Obviously there’s a few teams that are just not realistic, but we definitely can get some more wins than last year.”

Interview (Charlie Habakus):

  • What are you most excited about for the season?
      1. “I’m psyched to really put my best foot forward for the team this year. After spending three years mostly as a backup, I can’t wait to prove that I’m just as talented as the players on the line from previous years. I want to be the guy who everyone looks up to and tries to play like.”
  • What are your expectations for the homecoming crowd?
      1. “I’m expecting a bigger crowd than last year. This is our second year at the D4 Stadium so we’ve got a much larger student section, so I hope we can fill it up this year.”
  • What is your record prediction for the team this season?
      1. “9-0 regular season. Undefeated state champs. Give us Mater Dei. Give us Bama. Give us the Chiefs. We’re gonna go out there and beat everyone. But a bit more seriously, I think we are a lot better this year than teams are expecting from us.”


While small in number, the returning juniors are a major part of the team. Sammy Cooper, possibly the strongest player on the team, will go both ways, playing both linebacker and left tackle. Andrew Moise (who was recently spotted talking to a freshman) will be starting at defensive end and looks to slow opposing offenses. Lastly, Ransom Hudson is still rehabbing from a leg injury suffered last season, but is a vocal leader on the sidelines during games.

The junior class also had its fair share of newcomers this year; Tate Brown, Shane Hoffman, Joe Dragich, Luke Vazquez, McRae Wallace, and Cooper Mitchell all joined the team for the first time. This new wave of juniors brings rejuvenation to the offensive side of the ball. Tate and Joe are competing to take over the quarterback position next season, while also showing promise at LB against Pinewood. McRae and Shane look to prove themselves at WR, and Cooper hopes to find a role at tight end. Luke Vazquez had a great showing on the interior defensive line against Pinewood, leading a strong run-stopping unit which was one of the bright spots for Magnet in the game.

Interview (Andrew Moise):

  • What are you most excited about for the season?
      1. “I am most excited to kick Bishop England’s [omitted]”
  • What are your expectations for the homecoming crowd?
      1. “The crowd is going to be apart of the game, I expect to see at least all of the school”
  • What is your record prediction for the team this season?
      1. “I expect a lot out of the team, we’ve got almost forty players so we’ll be able to make drastic improvements before the season’s up.” (He also mentioned 6-3 but forgot to type it)


If there was one grade on the football team which isn’t holding up its end of the stick in terms of numbers. With just 6 players on the team, the sophomores are the smallest unit on the AMHS roster this season. 

Returner Jackson Ethredge is perhaps the Raptors’ most physical player, and his positions as running back and linebacker certainly suggest the same. Connor Sawall will bring his high football IQ to the interior offensive and defensive lines, while Tucker Engelke looks to provide similar assistance upon his return from a lower leg injury.

Newcomer Harrison Crites has assumed the vacant role of kicker for the team. Meanwhile, James King starts at right guard on the offensive line. Armando Reyes adds depth to the offensive and defense lines as well.


Interview (Jackson Ethredge):

  • What are you most excited about for the season?
      1. “I’m most excited to play BE at home this year. I think I can speak for all of us when I say we all hate BE and with BE not being as good as they were in the past then I think we will win this game.” 
  • What are your expectations for the homecoming crowd?
      1. “I want the stands packed. If I don’t see every single one of the students at AMHS there, then I do not see it as a success. I want the crowd to be the 12th man on that field.”
  • What is your record prediction for the team this season?
      1. “5-4”

Interview (Connor Sawall):

  • What are you most excited about for the season?
      1. “Just getting out there and playing. We’ve been out there working hard so we’re excited to go show everything we’ve been doing at practice.”
  • What are your expectations for the homecoming crowd?
      1. “I mean it’s BE who are our rivals so we’re expecting a big crowd, everyone being loud, cheering, and getting into it.”
  • What is your record prediction for the team this season?
      1. “8-1.” *Mic drop*


The freshman class turned in the most players that Magnet’s rookie class has seen in years. Keveon Ford made an immediate impact at running back against Pinewood, even coming just inches away from scoring a touchdown on an outside run. The freshman class has great hands, as Jack Vinzani, Joe Gaddy, Noah Orza, Ian Smith, Dean McCullough, and Keaton Murray will all look to make an impact at receiver as well as in pass coverage on defense. Murray is a bit of a Swiss Army knife, also potentially adding depth to the linebacker and lineman units. Henson Norvell is nursing an arm injury but will also work along the line when he returns. Lastly, Donovan “Hamp” Hamilton will follow suit with Murray as a Swiss Army Knife. Hamp saw several snaps at WR against Pinewood, and the coaches have expressed interest in placing him at several different positions on defense.

Interview (Noah Orza):

  • What are you most excited about for the season?
      1. “As a freshman I’m most excited for just getting a chance to play and hanging out with the team.”
  • What are your expectations for the homecoming crowd?
      1. “I expect to see everyone from the school there.”
  • What is your record prediction for the team this season?
      1. “I think we’ll go 5-4.”

Interview (Donovan “Hamp” Hamilton):

  • What are you most excited about for the season?
      1. “Winning.” (A very powerful statement we must say)
  • What are your expectations for the homecoming crowd?
      1. “I want to not be able to hear Bishop England [from our side of the field].”
  • What is your record prediction for the team this season?
      1. “I don’t want to be a doubter but I’ll go with 5-4.”


Name Number Position Grade
Brown, Tate 5 QB, WR, S, CB 11
Ford, Keveon 12 RB, LB 9
Moise, Andrew 16 DE, WR 11
Hyatt, William 17 QB, FS 12
Pelia, Harman 20 DE, RB 12
Cox, Brett 21 WR, LB 12
Stoklosa, McClain 22 WR, QB, LB, S 12
Willits, Gray 23 WR, S 12
Abar, Oliver 26 DE, TE 12
Kuyper, Charlie 33 WR, CB 12
Rice, Tommy 34 CB, S, WR 11
Moore, Josh 35 WR, RB, CB, S 12
Hoffman, Shane 38 WR, DE 11
Ethredge, Jackson 40 RB, LB 10
Dragich, Joe 43 QB, WR, CB, S 11
Hamilton, Donovan 46 WR, LB 9
McCullough, Dean 48 WR, LB, S 9
O’Neill, John 50 OL, LB 12
Cooper, Sammy 53 LB, OL 11
King, James 54 OL, DL 10
Engelke, Tucker 56 OL, DL 10
Ford, Julian 60 OL, DL 12
Habakus, Charles 61 OL, DL 12
Reyes, Armando 63 OL, DL 10
Murray, Keaton 64 OL, LB, DL 9
Sawall, Connor 65 OL, DL 10
Vinzani, Jack 66 WR, CB 9
Vazquez, Luke 74 OL, DL 11
Norvell, Henson 75 OL, DL 9
Crites, Harrison 78 K, P 10
Orza, Noah 80 WR, CB, S 9
Smith, Ian 81 WR, CB 9
Gaddy, Joseph 82 WR, CB 9
Collins, Mackay 83 WR, CB, S 12
Hudson, Ransome I/R ——- 11
Hinson, Noah 42 ——- 12
Wallace, McRae n/a ——- 11
Cooper Mitchell n/a ——- 11