Why Magnet Seniors Should Get an Early Out Every Day

Hear me out administration:)

Why Magnet Seniors Should Get an Early Out Every Day

I have a controversial topic for my article today that may not be appreciated by the administration. However, it is something I really feel strongly about and I think I can argue my point pretty well. Pretty please read this with an open mind (@administration) and see if you understand my reasoning. Thank you in advance!

I wanted to start out by saying that, along with my fellow seniors I speak for all of us when I say how much I love getting out at 1:55 every other day. I appreciate that change greatly by the way. It ends up saving me more than that hour and a half because of the lack of traffic trying to get out of the parking lot. Since the entire school is not getting out at the same time, it only takes me 20 minutes max to get home. On B days, on the other hand, it takes me a good 35 minutes to both make it out of the parking lot and deal with 526 traffic.

Getting out at 2 is super helpful to give me time to do other important things that are wayyy more vital to my physical and mental health than yet another class. It is a lot easier for me to go to work on early out days since I don’t have to leave so soon after I get home.

Let me just walk you through my schedule super quickly while I explain my point:

When I work on my longer days I don’t get home until at least 4. Then, I have to leave at 4:30 to get to work. This leaves me with very little time to ~mentally prepare myself for work~

Often, I will go to the gym on early out days too since I feel like I am using “borrowed time”. I am always surprised how much I can fit in to my longer afternoons.

Take your dog to the beach?

Walk on the bridge?

Go to Moes for a snack?

Crank out your homework at Starbucks?

Make money?

You have time for all of the above when you get out at 2!!

Just for some quick comparisons, let me explain to you my sister’s schedule:

My twin sister goes to Wando and is also in all Honors and AP classes. She gets out at 1:45 every day. On my B days, she gets home at 2 and I do not get home until 4. Although those almost 2 hours do not seem like that big of a deal, they make a big difference on our afternoons.

Now, I do understand the reasoning behind why we cannot get out at noon like many of our other seniors who go to other schools. Since we go to “the Academic Magnet” we are held to other standards than kids at other schools. Which I understand. Honestly.  However, I think Seniors could have one less class while still having a very rigorous course load.


I feel like there could still be requirements to this extra early out. Maybe the requirements could be that you have to have had all A’s and B’s the year before. Or if you get a grade below an A or B then you have to stay for study hall. I am up for any suggestions. Ultimately, I just feel that there are much more productive things I could be doing with my time than sitting for yet another hour and a half in a desk in front of my computer. And, obviously, if you for some odd reason choose to have only one or even neither early outs, you are more than welcome to take extra classes.

As I was sitting here writing this article one of my friends at James Island (who just got out of school) texted on a group chat I am on. She said she was done with school and asked if anyone wanted Chick Fil A. I, of course, would love some nice Chick Fil A but I still have another 3 hours and 19 minutes left in my school day. (Yes I counted)

Hopefully, my ideas will be taken under consideration. Probably not, I am aware. I had to try though. I would guess that when I come back to visit Magnet in a decade or so, nothing will have changed. This was my best attempt though. You are welcome future seniors:))

I asked one of my fellow seniors Whitney Knotts how she would feel about getting out at 2 every day.

That’s all. Thanks for listening!