Celebrity Reactions to the Corona Virus

Maybe money doesn’t make you educated…

The Corona Virus has disrupted the daily lives of citizens around the world, but everyone’s new reality is vastly different. Some of our favorite celebs have taken to social media and news outlets to let the world know how they’re handling the crisis.

Gal Gadot decided to do her part in supporting people affected by emailing all of her celebrity friends (Will Ferrell, Kristen Wiig, Mark Ruffalo Sia and many more) and making them sing a few lines from “Imagine”, a song by the worst Beatle. I’m still not sure if she did  to get noticed by producers because she hasn’t been in a successful movie since 2016 or if she really was trying to raise the spirits of the public during this tough time. Their song was a display of narcissism and ignorance that is just hard to fathom, and it is very difficult to watch. Not to mention all of their singing is really bad. 

Vanessa Hudgens, star of the high School musical movies and singer-songwriter of hit song “Sneakernight”, also took to instagram live to share her thoughts on the virus. Her opinion is that everyone should just ignore it and continue how they are because “sure people will die but, it’s like, inevitable.” She is so wise. She also made sure to inform everyone she respects it but doesn’t believe in social distancing. As long as Vanessa thinks everything will be okay, then I guess we can go outside? I’ll let you all make that decision. Evangeline Lilly also made some anti-social distancing comments on her instagram on March 16, “Just dropped my kids off at gymnastics camp. They all washed their hands before going in. They are playing and laughing. #businessasusual.” Personally, I’m thoroughly impressed that she can exist in such a place of privilege that she doesn’t even worry about her kids, her or anyone she comes into contact with being in serious danger.  

All of these celebrities’ actions are so careless and ignorant it is laughable, and they clearly have a warped view of events. Those who do adhere to the stay at home orders are staying at home in huge mansions with endless resources, and are surrounded by abundance. They are not recognizing that not everyone can sit down and sing songs about seeing tomorrow, because they just lost their source of income, or they still have to work because they have mandatory jobs. And the apathy of the celebrities who continue to go out, knowing that they will not be severely affected by the disease is even worse, and incredibly selfish. However we should be thankful for the celebrities who have donated to the coronavirus pandemic relief  effort, like Rihanna, Blake Lively and Ryan Reynolds, Stephen Curry, the Versaces, Jenifer Garner and Amy Adams and many more!