Meet the New Teachers

Mr. Schmitt and Coach Koll

Meet the New Teachers

Replacing two legends is never easy… But this teacher tandem has filled in perfectly so far. Mr. Schmitt has found a few fellow teachers who share his love for music and Coach Koll thoroughly enjoys her role as the AMHS head volleyball coach. We asked them a few questions about themselves so that the rest of the student body can better know their new staff members.

Coach Koll (PE and Health):

Favorite Food- “I’ve gotta say any Mexican food”

Former School- “I’m from Sangaree in Ladson”

Favorite Thing about AMHS- “I love the positive atmosphere”

Least Favorite Thing about AMHS- “I hate figuring out the ins and outs of a new school”

Interesting Fact- “This is my 18th year teaching, and I played volleyball and basketball at Carthage College in Chicago”

How Does it Feel to Replace a Legend?- “I’ve got some big shoes to fill, but I feel confident and I’m looking forward to staying here for the long run”

Mr. Schmidt (Computer Science):

Favorite Food- “I love me some chicken parm”

Former School- “I came from Stall HS”

Favorite Thing about AMHS- “I enjoy the culture of students wanting to learn”

Least Favorite Thing about AMHS- “I have no complaints so far”

Interesting Fact- I’m a big time musician. I love playing the guitar and bass with bands, and my favorite guitar has to be the Mexican Tele. I actually got my degree in music and not computer science”

How Does it Feel to Replace a Legend?- “I don’t feel any pressure replacing Mr. Corson, I’m just excited to be here. The pressure right now comes from the workload and getting to know my students”

We wish these two the best of luck throughout their tenure here at Magnet. They are both high class teachers and should provide the school with the same energy and fervor their predecessors possessed.