Meet the Freshman

(Edition No. 1)

The beginning of the school year can be a stressful time, especially for Magnet’s newest crop of freshman. “Meet the Freshman” will be an ongoing series in the Talon where we will delve into the minds of the typical AMHS freshman to discover his or her often overlooked opinion of all things Magnet. In this first edition, we discuss their transition to high school and initial thoughts on being an AMHS raptor.

Question 1: “What are your first impressions of AMHS?”

Christian Anderson: “It’s a lot different from middle school because we have more freedom which I enjoy.”

Emma: “I like it. I haven’t noticed a difference in the workload yet which is nice.”

Cameron Thelan: “There’s a lot of homework, but it really do be like that sometimes.”


Question 2: Which classes have you enjoyed the most thus far?

Rebecca: “Focus, for sure.”

Mark Owens: “Mr. Flanigan’s class has definitely been my favorite.”


After some initial questions to get a feel for each individual and their experiences at Magnet so far, we dove into more pressing issues.

Question 3: What is your opinion on pineapple on pizza?

Mark Owens: “I’ve never had it but it sounds very interesting.”

Cameron Thelan: “I like it because the sweetness of the pineapple counteracts the saltiness of the pizza sauce. In fact, I think the school cafeteria should serve it here.”

Maisie: “I love it, and I think more people should give it a chance.”

Emma: “I’m intimidated by it.”


Finally, we asked each individual to tell us a little bit about themselves in order to know them better and examine their lives beyond AMHS.

Question 4: Tell us a little bit about yourselves

Mark Owens: “I run track and cross country and have enjoyed being on the Magnet team this year.”

Cameron Thelan: “I play baseball, hopefully I’ll be able to make the team this year.”


This concludes our first edition of “Meet the Freshman”. We hope that you have learned something about these few freshman and urge you to make an effort to meet more of Magnet’s new 9th grade class. In addition, if you are a freshman reading this article who would like to be featured in this series in the future, feel free to approach me anytime.