The signs and constellations are guiding us to self actualization!
The signs and constellations are guiding us to self actualization!

Weekly Horoscope

Your horoscope for the week of February 12th.

February 13, 2018

Get ready to feel the heat as a burning lunar eclipse rolls into the galaxy this week. This is symbolic of an emotional change coming your way. On Wednesday, Mercury will enter Aquarius which offers an animated social life and a down to earth aura. You will share personal emotions and bond with friends.


With the lunar eclipse coming this way, your social life and self confidence will glow. You’re going to spend the weekend with your squad. Friday y’all will explore downtown and Saturday you’ll spend the day out shopping. When night comes get your party on! Use your new confidence to inspire greatness.


Your relationships will burn bright and your heart will be full of compassion this week. You will find that you and your partner are more accepting and understanding of one another, which will reignite the flame that blew out last week. Also, look forward to discovering new ideas and accomplishing goals during the eclipse. The Moon of Prosperity is moving into orbit, so you will experience success in your relationships and work.


The eclipse is your spotlight this week. You will tell a group of people an illustrative story that will inspire innovation and newfound personal abilities. Also, your social media presence will take flight because people will be encouraged by your positive images and enlightened words. You have been crowned the cosmic messenger this week because of your pacifistic and invigorating nature, so be ready to be a leader of positivity.


Your safety net may get tangled this week. Your values, relationships, and dollars are in jeopardy. The cosmos are encouraging you to take hold of something that will stabilize your life and keep you feeling secure. Also, reach out to your friends and family because they will provide much needed help. If you’re feeling overwhelmed, take a yoga day and grab some food at your favorite jive.


This week is centered around you, Leo. Feel free to do what you want with no worries. However, be careful not to be reckless. You don’t want to miss out on interpersonal experiences. If you pay attention to other people’s stories and body language, you’ll find yourself engaging more emotionally than ever before. Look forward to setting your heart on fire this week!


The Closure Crescent Moon has entered your constellation’s orbit. Its gravity is pulling you to move on from people and situations that are draining your happiness. This week if you focus on your mental health, you’ll discover that your mellow, positive attitude will return. Also, your precision will be heightened. You just have to let things go!


As the visionary Spice Girls once said, “friendship never ends.” This week you will get connected with your squad. Their never ending support should be recognized, so show them how much you appreciate their friendship with a Saturday SoirĂ©e. Also, you’ll definitely be feeling the girl power vibe this week as the eclipse brings you a light of feministic prospective. Get ready to unleash your inner Spice Girl!


You will explore your inner light this week, Scorpio. Lately, you’ve been neglecting your emotions and failing to express yourself. Stop and recognize how powerful, brilliant, and capable you are. Let your happiness take the wheel. Also, walk away from those negative relationships that are stealing your light. Try to find your joy this week and you will feel at home again.


You’re losing your mojo, Sagittarius! If you keep going down the path of pessimism you’ll find yourself under the shadow of the Isolation Astroid. Your relationships will collapse and people won’t want to be around your negative atmosphere. But, be encouraged by the eclipse which is begging you to reclaim your optimism! Use your great communication skills this week to reset your vibe.


Lately, you’ve been shielding your emotions, which has caused a lapse in your judgement. But, this week you will realize that letting your inner self shine is the best way to stabilize your mental health. Share your opinions and don’t be afraid to vocalize your feelings. This week’s focus is on being more open with your environment and feeling encouraged by the energies of the eclipse.


You’re at a crossroads, Aquarius. You’ve been feeling an impulse to call off your relationship. But you’re also compelled to commit intensely. The stars are telling you to put your happiness first. Are you ready to explore without responsibilities? Or are you ready to get closer in your relationship? This weekend you’ll find peace with your decision and your friends will be there for support!


You are the Queen (or King) of self-sabotage. Your procrastination is really hindering your success. The cosmos are tired of waiting around for you to finish your goals. Go get a hold on yourself, Pisces! Once you get it together, you’ll be able to let all the stress go. You will experience joy and satisfaction. We encourage you to find your muse, follow your inspiration, and accomplish your visions!

Start off February right! Focus on your mental health and put your happiness first because you are royalty. Happy star gazing, Queens (0r Kings)!

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