Madison Jenkins: Tennis Player

Madison Jenkins, a senior at AMHS, has played on the girls tennis team for four years. She is a co-captain along with the other seniors and one of the star players.
What is your favorite part of tennis?
I personally love just going out and playing at practice. I love the girls on the team, and I enjoy playing for fun.
When did you begin playing tennis?
I started playing in 7th grade. I hadn’t really thought about tennis before then because I used to dance, but I quit that and picked up tennis.
Who is your favorite professional tennis player and why?
I don’t actually have a favorite player because I hate watching it, but if I had to choose one I’d go with Andy Roddick and Rafael Nadal because they are both hot.
Do you have any advice for other tennis players?
Don’t beat yourself up when you’re playing because tennis is also a very mental game, and it’s easy to lose when you let the other team get inside your head. Ultimately, play because you enjoy the game, not just because you want to win.
How do you think your team will play this year?
I actually think this year we have a really strong team and everyone gets along which makes a difference. I think we are going to have a good season.
Do you have a pre-match ritual?
Not really, though we do all like food. Before matches whenever they put out the snacks, everyone eats.
Do you prefer to play doubles or singles?
I usually play doubles, which I like better because you can cover more of the court, and someone is there to back you up if you miss a shot.