Science Olympiad Winners!
Pictured – Front Row left to right: Nathan Nguyen, Sera Cole, Razeen Basunia, Gage Gailbreath, Ms. Katy Metzner-Roop, Jenny Yao, Helena Upshaw, Shaoni Dasgupta, Katie Mosely, Sarah Zhang, Anna Smirnova, Qining Jin, Anna Tavormina, John Staubes, William Wendt, and Aidan Gomez Back Row left to right: Henry Osborne, Jonathan Ye, Thomas Bennett, Whitney Su, Vivian Song, Dawn Jensen, Robyn Loucks, Gabbi Drusin, Elise Blackburn, Fanny Cheung, Evelyn Bi, Ethan Kautz, Boone Jones, Michael Pi, and Zach Zuber
This February, the Science club competed in the Science Olympiad and won second place; last year, they won overall! The students participated in written tests on subjects such as anatomy and performed feats of engineering, including constructing robots and electric cars. Two teams from Magnet participated, but only one team competed. Congratulations to all of the winners from AMHS in the following categories!
Team 1:
Air Trajectory: Michael Pi and Boone Jones, 3rd Place
Anatomy & Physiology: Vivian Song and Dawn Jensen, 3rd Place
Astronomy: Anna Smirnova and Thomas Bennett, 2nd Place
Cell Biology: Fanny Cheung and Jenny Yao, 1st Place
Chemistry Lab: Shaoni Dasgupta and Whitney Su, 2nd Place
Disease Detectives: Michael Pi and Whitney Su, 7th Place
Dynamic Planet: Dawn Jensen and Whitney Su, 3rd Place
Forensics: Shaoni Dasgupta and Vivian Song, 4th Place
Fossils: Zach Zuber and Helena Upshaw, 5th Place
Game On: Robyn Loucks and John Staubes, 3rd Place
GeoLogic Mapping: John Staubes and Zach Zuber, 2nd Place
Green Generation: Dawn Jensen and Robyn Loucks, 1st Place
Invasive Species: Robyn Loucks and Jenny Yao, 3rd Place
Picture This: Aidan Gomez and Anna Smirnova, 4th Place
Robot Arm: Aidan Gomez and Thomas Bennett, 3rd Place
Wright Stuff: Thomas Bennett and John Staubes, 3rd Place
Write It, Do It: Fanny Cheung and Aidan Gomez, 2nd Place
Team 2:
Experimental Design: Katie Moseley, Sarah Zhang, and Gabbi Drusin, 2nd Place
Air Trajectory: Nathan Nguyen and Jonathan Ye, 10th Place
Astronomy: Qining Jin and Ethan Kautz, 5th Place
Cell Biology: Elise Blackburn and Anna Tamorvina, 2nd Place
Chemistry Lab: Anna Tamorvina and Sarah Zhang, 1st Place
Disease Detectives: Anna Tamorvina and Sarah Zhang, 5th Place
GeoLogic Mapping: Nathan Nguyen and Jonathan Ye, 7th Place
Invasive Species: Qining Jin and Katey Moseley, 1st Place