Mercer- Hello, Can I ask you a couple of questions for the newspaper?
Riley- Sure!
Mercer- What is one of your main goals for this year?
Riley- One of my main goals for the year is to have all A’s for the year, my first semester was all A’s and although I had some B’s fourth quarter, I can probably keep my year grades as As
Mercer- If bald people work in a restaurant, do they still need to wear a hairnet?
Riley- Bald people should probably still wear hair nets because they gotta tiny little hairs on their heads that can still get in the food.
Mercer- In your opinion, do you think fish have a thirst for water?
Riley- Fish probably don’t get thirsty because it gets in their body before they get thirsty but I am not an expert.
Mercer- What activities do you participate in after school?
Riley- I mainly play tennis after school right now. Then I watch Curb Your Enthusiasm and shower.
Mercer- What superpower would you not want?
Riley- I wouldn’t want invisibility because my clothes aren’t able to be invisible as of now.
Mercer- What is your credit score?
Riley- I don’t know my credit score I am 16 and don’t do anything at all.
Mercer- Would you rather be given 10,000 dollars in cash or assets?
Riley- I would be rather given 10k in cash because I don’t know how to manage assets
Mercer- What is your favorite sport and why?
Riley- I like basketball the most because of its fast pace and high scoring. I think it takes a good combination of skill and athletic ability.
Mercer- What college do you want to go to?
Riley- I am not quite sure where I want to go but I really liked touring UC Santa Barbara, the campus is very nice!
Mercer- Would you rather have a 15-year mortgage with higher payments but lower total interest or a 30-year mortgage with lower payments but more total interest?
Riley- If I had a stable income and could comfortably afford it, I’d go with the 15-year mortgage for the long-term savings and faster payoff. But if I needed more flexibility, the 30-year mortgage with strategic overpayments might be the smarter play.
Mercer-Would you rather drink a gallon of mayonnaise or a gallon of ketchup?
Riley- I would prefer to drink the gallon of mayo because I don’t like ketchup very much.
Mercer- Would you rather have 10,000 dollars transferred to your bank account or eat both of your hands?
Riley- Lowkey I would rather not have my hands cut off because that would hurt no joke and 10k could not buy a lot of things
Mercer-What is your favorite experience at Magnet?
Riley-My favorite experience at Magnet was my sophomore class trip for me last year