Introducing Moreen Jang! Moreen is a freshman at Academic Magnet High School. So far, Moreen has enjoyed her time at Magnet and looks forward to the next few years. I sat down to talk to Moreen and ask her some questions, here’s what she said!
Where did you go to middle school?
Moreen attended Moultrie Middle School.
What’s your favorite class and why?
Moreen’s favorite class at Magnet right now is her math class. She is currently in Algebra II and enjoys it a lot. She said this is her favorite class because she loves Mrs. Frazier.
What did you think is the hardest class you’re taking and why?
Moreen thinks the two hardest classes she’s taking as a freshman right now are Biology and AP Human Geography. She thinks Biology is difficult because there is so much memorization required for all of the tests and quizzes. She believes AP Human Geography is also difficult because of the workload and number of assignments. I agree with those two for my freshman year too. Taking AP classes can be an adjustment and biology is definitely one of the more difficult classes for freshmen to take.
Who’s your favorite teacher and why?
When asked about her favorite teacher, Moreen said “My favorite teacher is Mrs. Frazier because she’s the nicest and she is very sweet.” This definitely makes sense that Algebra II is her favorite class then!
What activities do you do and which is your favorite?
Moreen plays on the women’s lacrosse team, but also enjoys hanging out with friends, DECA, and tanning.
What did you think of your first semester?
Moreen said “My first semester was hard, I guess classes like math are definitely getting easier for me, but Human Geography and Biology got harder.”
Did you think Magnet was a big adjustment?
Moreen said “Magnet is not as big of an adjustment as you think it would be because of how small and tight knit the school is and like the student body is close and everything, so it feels comforting.” However, Moreen did note that the adjustment can be a little more difficult if you have opps, but it’s very nice and she likes it. The only hard part is the amount of work, but it is manageable.
How are you feeling about AP exams and EOCs in a few months?
Moreen said “I’m lowkey not too nervous for my exams and stuff in English and Math, but for AP Human Geography, Biology, and APCSP I am.” The first exam season at Magnet is a little hectic, but after that it does get a little better each year.
What are your favorite/least favorite parts of Magnet?
Moreen’s favorite part of Magnet is that there are not too many people, so it feels pretty tight knit. She said “since it’s a lot smaller than other schools, the student body is close and everyone really knows each other. It’s really easy to be close friends with upperclassmen or underclassmen.”
She said her least favorite parts are the amount of work and some stereotypes associated with Magnet students.
Moreen also said one other thing she loves about Magnet is the amount of clubs, especially DECA because she had the opportunity to make her “DECA Family” this year at the state competition. She said the seniors in her DECA family are some of her favorite seniors as well. She wanted to give shoutouts to the seniors in her DECA family (Zachary Butler, Rainn Dyce, Aiden Ball, and Camille Ross), some of the seniors on her lacrosse team (Sousa Waggoner, Isla Todd, Street Wilson, and Chloe Trowman), as well as Kimberly Do who she bonded with this year.
Thank you Moreen for letting us get to know you through this interview!