Do YOU have a special talent you would like to share with the world? Are you looking for a creative outlet? Or maybe you’re just looking for an afternoon of fun and entertainment. Well, look no further than the Academic Magnet High School talent show! The AMHS talent show is a long-standing tradition every spring in which students of any class can showcase their special skills. Organized by the ever-talented Mr. Grimshaw and held in the exquisite Rose Maree Meyers Theater of the School of the Arts, this spectacle is one you want to make sure you don’t miss. This year the talent show will be on Wednesday, March 12th, offering a nice break from the monotonous school week. No matter what your talent is, it will be welcomed at the talent show! In years past, we have seen talents such as singing, dancing, guitar playing, opera, and even visual displays of scarf movements in combination with song. Whether you are performing or just attending as an audience member, the possibilities are endless, and you are sure to have a good time and stay entertained
The talent show is always a good time and it’s fun to see what secret talents your classmates have! Some of the not so secret talent, however, is our very own Bring the Hype! The band of seniors can be found around Charleston performing at various events and even opening for Darius Rucker at Credit One Stadium! Needless to say, their musical talents have not gone unnoticed by the student body here at AMHS. This includes the talent show. Performances from Bring the Hype have placed first at the last two talent shows. Seems like the top dogs have been established. But will someone have them beat this year? It’s difficult to say, as Keveon Ford shares all that they have been doing to prepare. They are frequent to Mr. Grimshaw’s room during lunch and have been doing so for years now as their practice space. They anticipate attracting a lot of attention to the talent show and they are renowned throughout Charleston as an uber talented high school band. You can see plenty of advertisements around the school with a Queen-inspired poster of the members’ faces. While some guest appearances occur, the main members are drummer Samuel Persinger, singers Donovan Hamilton and Keveon Ford – who also plays guitar – and guitarist and pianist Randy Villariza. While their performance for the talent show remains a mystery, rest assured it will be something big. Sounds like a flawless act!
While Bring the Hype is an undeniable force, member and guitarist Randy Villariza has decided to pursue a solo act while also still performing alongside his bandmates. This essentially doubles his chances of winning, smart move, Randy! And what a performance it will be! Randy shares that while he is only one man, he will be demonstrating three talents! His performance will be a beautiful demonstration of Piano Man by Billy Joel and he will be performing in true Billy Joel fashion with a guitar, harmonica, and his sweet vocals all simultaneously. He feels confident enough to only practice for one hour a week as he has already performed this act at a live gig venue for a crowd before. Randy says he is very confident in placing top three, but more than likely this will be for his performance with Bring the Hype as it would be extremely difficult for a solo act to top a group performance, especially when they both showcase musical talents. While performing in front of such a crowd seems intimidating and possibly frightening, Randy shares he has no worries. “With my band Bring the Hype, I always have to play music on a stage in front of a crowd. I also went to SOA for three years, and I always had to play in the RMMT on stage where I was the only one on stage in front of a full seated audience, playing my piano.” His experience competitively playing classical piano for 10 years has also given him some time in the spotlight and conditioned him to be fearless against the large crowds.
Dirty Birds captain Amara Buelk shares how they are preparing for the opening performance! Should you choose to attend the talent show (and of course you should) you will hear the sound of drumming as you find your way to your seat. These rhythmic vibrations are from none other than our very own Dirty Birds, which we are so pleased to hear at events like football games and pep rallies. You may have wondered before, where do the Dirty Birds’ beats come from? Well, some are traditionally used for a multitude of performances, but Amara says each performance is made unique by incorporating student-made rhythms into each showcase. Unfortunately, the Dirty Birds do not have an official act and are therefore not eligible to place in the talent show, but Amara says they are so grateful to be able to share their talents in this way!
Next up, you know them, you love them, the K-Pop club will be performing at the talent show this year! They are by far the most prepared act I heard from, as they have been looking forward to this night since December and practicing hard! Group representative Riley Sisak shares that group practices began in early February. Both individual practices and group rehearsals have been going on to ensure their victory. Dancers meet daily both before school and during lunch, giving the group a total of two and a half hours a week to practice all together, in addition to each dancer’s individual practice time. In fact, leaders Riley Sisak and Gordon Oliver sometimes meet during their study hall to practice together and review videos of their performances to perfect every detail. With numerous new members, their performance is sure to blow everyone away! Watch out everyone else, the K-Pop club says, “We’re going to bring the heat.” “ .”
With all these acts and more, the talent show is sure to be a good time this year. We invite you to come and support friends, classmates, or just to find a fun event to fill your evening with. We hope to see you there for a night filled with fun!