Have you ever had the feeling that one of your fellow classmates looked a little too familiar? Perhaps you aren’t going insane after all, because there appears to be quite a few celebrity doppelgängers roaming the halls of the birdcage. This past week, Isla and I sought out some Magnet students to help us unmask these secret superstars. While some submissions were a bit of a stretch and unfortunately did not make the final cut, some resemblances are just uncanny. Read along to discover which of your classmates are getting confused for big Hollywood names.
Jack Troy and Mark Zuckerberg
The first lookalikes spotted wandering the hallways were the Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg, and Senior, Jack Troy. Jack Troy and Mark Zuckerberg might just be twins! Maybe Jack can try and contact Mark as a long-lost relative and try and get some of Mark’s 230.7 billion fortune! Hopefully Jack remembers where he came from, and donates some money to AMHS. Maybe a pool could be built in his honor! #D1Swimmer🏊😍
Josie Barrenaeu, Lowery Rissmiller and Alexis Bledel as Rory in Gilmore Girls
Next up, this trio is quite the group. Although Josie goes to school at SOA, she is part of the AMHS women’s basketball team and looks so similar to Rory that it would be a crime not to feature her. Additionally, students at Magnet feel that Lowery Rissmiller also has common features with this famous actor. Both girls could be mistaken for Rory from the hit show, Gilmore Girls, and we agree they are all strikingly similar!
Aiden Ruggiero and Justin Bieber
OOoooOOoOO- Woah! We just did a double take because I could have SWORN I saw the one and only Justin Bieber on my way back to third block. Turns out, it was just his long lost look-alike, Aiden Ruggiero. While Aiden has adapted to a shorter hairstyle in his later years, back in his prime, he really rocked the Bieber Bowl Cut. From the toothy smile to the stick straight brown hair, these authors are not the only ones who see the resemblance. Although, Aiden may need to step up his game in the style department if he wants to follow in the footsteps of this childhood legend.
Jenna Hallaba and Jennifer Lawrence
Looking for the next leader of the Mockingjay Revolution? No need to look any further than within our own AMHS halls, where a Katniss Everdeen lookalike is currently in our own newspaper room! Senior Jenna Hallaba and Oscar-winning actress Jennifer Lawrence have been compared countless times, and the resemblance is truly uncanny! Though the resemblance is more clear when Jennifer Lawrence is sporting a more brunette look, even in her typical blonde, her and Jenna still look like they are cut from the same cloth!
Mercer Bundis and Adam Driver/ Napoleon Dynamite
Ok, hear me out- Adam Driver and Napoleon Dynamite have a child, and Bam- it’s Mercer Bundis. This has to be one of the best celebrity parent-child trios AMHS has ever seen. With Driver’s nose and Napoleon’s hair, the resemblance is honestly uncanny. The glasses add a nice touch to tie it all together. Credits to Sousa and Talia for unearthing this mashup look-alike and providing us with a picture to prove it.
Nikos Paraschos and Cole Sprouse
The next comparison was an unexpected one, but now we can’t unsee the similarities between Cole Sprouse and Senior Nikos Paraschos! The eyes are almost identical, along with other similar features- even the freckles! Especially with the younger, blonde haired version, this resemblance is hard to ignore. Maybe Nikos will try to make it in Hollywood as Cole Sprouse’s younger version in a new Riverdale spinoff series, to be determined. Though other celebrities such as Tik Tok star Nmillz were compared to Nikos as well, Cole Sprouse seemed to be the most familiar comparison.
Katie Sheffield and Dixie D’amelio
Tik tok star or Senior Vice President? This comparison has us looking a little closer. While it isn’t exactly uncanny, with the dark wavy hair and pointed features make these two look pretty similar. Although Katie Sheffield has yet to release a hit single, maybe we can be on the lookout for a collab sometime in the future.
Logan Burns, Dean McCullough, Max Peters and Chuck, Red, and Bomb from The Angry Birds Movie
You see it, don’t you? A few students at Magnet knew they had spotted this trio somewhere before! Found catapulting through the air on the weekends, they spend their time at school wandering the hallways together. I think we can leave this comparison up to the imagination.
Luke Nestleroad, Brendan Barth and Paultooreall on Tik Tok
Another trio, at first glance, these three may not look all that similar; however, once you spot the resemblance you can’t unsee it! Talia shares a funny story of how her friend mistakenly took the polaroid of Luke in her phone case to be famous tik toker Paultooreall. On the other hand, Brendan has the fluffy brown hair and who knows, maybe he does a little tik tok on the side.
Paul Simmons and Kristoff from Frozen
There isn’t much convincing needed here- it’s clear that Paul Simmons has come straight from this Disney fairytale. Although he claims he does not have a pet reindeer as a friend, you never know, he may have to keep his identity a secret for legal reasons. Regardless, the similarities between these two are truly undeniable.
Hasbullah and Whit Parnell
While this comparison may be a bit of a stretch, the expression they are both making really adds to the comparison. Hasbullah is a Russian Social media personality, and he is known for his online social media presence. Whit should feel honored to be paralleled with such a legend!
Haley Weber and Zoe Hutson
This dynamic duo is together in every universe! With their beautiful red and blonde hair and their big blue eyes, we wouldn’t be surprised if they asked us if we wanted to build a snowman!
Max and Baymax from Big Hero 6
Max is getting two features in this article because we just couldn’t let this comparison go to waste. Multiple students claim they see the uncanny resemblance between Max and Baymax from Big Hero 6– it’s even in the name! While Baymax is a robot and Max, as far as we know, is not, there are still some similarities in their demeanor. Either way, both Baymax and Max are great friends to many and are the perfect people to see if you’re in need of a hug!
Eva Mcnulty and Erin in The Office
While the similarities in this submission aren’t as striking as the others, there are definitely some to note. From the straight brown hair to the eyes and eyebrows, these two could definitely get away with being siblings. Maybe we should be on the lookout for Michael Scott to complete this Office cast!
Overall, there are quite a few celebrity look-alikes right here in the birdcage. From movie characters to famous pop stars, you may be able to spot these doppelgängers on the way to you next class!