Let’s be honest, WE are ALL chopped this year. No girl/man, no pookie bear, no one blowing up our phones with corny good morning texts. It’s a dark time. But don’t worry, we have a master plan to help all you girls get through the most couple-infested day of the year. Whether you’re built like a Greek tragedy or just suffering from a severe case of rizz deficiency, here are the best ways to not spend the entire day contemplating your existence
- Act like a couple and go get all the Valentine’s discounts with your bro. You can go on a date and you don’t have to pay for each other. This is an amazing tip if you want to save a few bucks on the 14th.
- You can go to the gym because it will be empty. This is a great option to get open space and get your workout done.
- Spend time with your friends. This year Valentine’s Day falls on a Friday which means it is a great time to hang out with friends instead of a special one. That means the streets are calling, and you must answer.
- Hop on the game. Because all the people who are in a relationship will be out, then only the jobless, girlless people will be on. This means there will be comp runs in almost every game. Valentine’s Day = relationship people gone = only the true gamers remain
- Buy yourself flowers. In the wise words of Miley Cyrus, “I can buy myself flowers.” Channel your inner love for yourself by celebrating being single. Honestly, this is pretty sad though, so you may get some judgmental stares checking out.
- Watching your favorite show is another great option. Currently, there are many great shows out such as Night Owl and Severance. These shows are a great way to pass the time and binge-watch. Sometimes, the best way to deal with life is to ignore it entirely
- Reflect on how you got to this point with no Valentine. YOU are the problem and this can be easily fixed with self-reflection and goal-setting to become a better person.
- Spread kindness by holding the door for someone or buying someone a meal or drink. This will make you feel good about yourself and will increase your chance of a Valentine next year by 50%.
- Go out on the town and start serenading people walking down the street. This seems like the most foolproof way to get a Valentine. It has worked every time for me. Girls love it when you can sing and especially when you are unashamed to do it in public. Some suggested songs are When I Was Your Man by Bruno Mars, and All Girls Are The Same by Juice WRLD. Go to Everett Landrith if you want some help singing the last one as he has been in this position many times.
- Leave town. You do not want anyone to see how little motion you have. This is what we are doing and you should too.
- Book a couples massage and go by yourself. Hopefully, someone does this same thing and the spa pairs y’all up. Maybe it’s the beginning of a new love story.
- Put the phone down. Maybe it really is that darn phone. Take a break for the day and try to relax without getting down on yourself and seeing all the couples celebrating.
- Going on a roller coaster ride is a great opportunity to feel something that makes you feel alive. I go on these sometimes just to feel something. This is also one of the most fun options that will give you the most joy
- Obtain a stuffed animal. This stuffed animal will give you comfort throughout the day and will keep you sane on one of the worst holidays of the year. And they won’t leave you like your last relationship did.
- Watch old sports highlights. There are very entertaining highlight tapes you can watch such as Tavon Austin’s college tape or any Tom Brady highlights.
- Go fishing! This is a great hobby to pick up and will make you learn patience which is key in life. The thrill of catching a fish is much better than acquiring a female.
- PLAY FORTNITE! This is a great opportunity to play the new season of OG chapter 1 season 2. This is a very fun way to pass the day and playing with your friends is very fun. Also if you are feeling lonely, you know that Sun Strider will always be there for you.
- Bake a cake. This is a great way to spend time and gives people a way to focus all the negative energy from Valentine’s Day into something positive. After you bake this cake you can share it with all your other friends who do not have a date this Valentine’s.
- DOOM SCROLL! This is the last thing to do when you are single. TikTok is the optimal app to do this, but Instagram will suffice as well. Right now some of the best videos you can watch are Druski dance videos, Bro is Not Going Home, and We Are Dunzzo.
With all of this being said national Single Awareness Day is February 15th. This a great day to appreciate yourself and enjoy the life you want to live. Just think of all these things you can do when you are single. If you were dating someone you would never have the opportunity to do these things. We suggest you use this opportunity of being single as a time to find yourself and set some goals for yourself in your life. If you would like to be set up, please leave a comment on this article and we can put you in touch with our in-house matchmaker.
Conclusion: No matter how you spend your Valentine’s Day this year, just know that you are not alone. We are ALL cooked this year and none of US have any prospects. Get those shots up this holiday season and keep shooting no matter what. OH MY GOODNESS VALENTINE!