Are you interested in community service and gaining service hours? Then you should definitely look into the Homeless Hope Club and Academic Magnet.
One thing about the Homeless Hope Club is that it is a chapter of a larger foundation called Homeless Hope. The mission of this organization is to collect toiletries, package them, and distribute them to the local homeless populations. Currently, there are chapters of the foundation in South Carolina, North Carolina, Virginia/ D.C. area, and Maryland. Each of these locations is partnered with a local organization that gives them access to distribute the toiletries to the homeless. In Charleston, SOuth Carolina, this organization is called the Hot Dog Ministry through East Cooper Baptist Church. This organization feeds the homeless a hot meal once a week in the downtown area.
How this club works within Academic Magnet High School is that they will run toiletry drives (more specifically for miniature hotel sized toiletries), host a packing party during lunch, and then host a time to distribute the toiletries to the homeless. And keep an eye out, because Homeless Hope Club is hoping to hold another drive for toiletries in the coming weeks.
If you are interested in joining this club, please email Grace Griffin for more information. We can not wait to see you helping out our local homeless community!