If you don’t check your email, then you may not have seen the plethora of surveys that the AP Research teachers have sent out. Every year, our Magnet seniors are required to take a Research class and conduct a study and write a paper on a topic of their choosing. Many of them decide to collect responses from the school population, but without enough responses, they cannot compile significant data. If you have been marking your emails as read, I highly suggest going back and filling out all the surveys you can, but if you don’t have the energy to do that, below is a compiled list of all the AP Research surveys for this year’s Magnet seniors. Who knows, you may be able to win a gift card or a sweet treat!
Researcher | Teacher’s Name | Survey Goal/Purpose Statement | Target Population | Anticipated Survey Completion Time | Survey Link |
Adi Katan | Mr. Knauer | This is a survey for an AP Research study regarding students’ usage of Chat-GPT in school and on school-related assignments or tasks. I’m doing this study to determine how students’ Chat-GPT usage in school impacts academic achievement, academic integrity, critical thinking skills, etc. | All AMHS Students | <5 minutes | Survey Link |
Auggie Rivero | Mr. Knauer | The purpose of this survey is to gain insight into the correlation between the amount of students sleep and the detriment it may have to rapid multiplication skills. | All AMHS Students | <10 minutes | Survey Link |
Ava Cauthen | Mrs. Smith | The goal of this survey is to explore students time online as well as their opinions regarding internet use. | All AMHS Students | 5 minutes | Survey Link |
Billy Brodsky | Mrs. Smith | Seeking participants for a study on bacteria accumilation on touch pads– One hour of community service | All AMHS Students | < 5 mins. | Survey Link |
Brady Smith | Mrs. Smith | Seeking particpants for a study on creatine and cognition. One hour of commuity service. | All AMHS Students | < 5 mins. | Survey Link |
Brookelynn Gorrin | Mr. Knauer | The purpose of this study is to examine the influence of YA fantasy romance novels on the relationship perspectives of high school students. | All AMHS Students | <15 minutes | Survey Link |
Caroline Champagne | Mrs. Renes | The goal of this survey is to determine the effects that food allergies have on the health-related quality of life of students in the American public high school system. | All high school students with food allergies | < 5-10 minutes | Survey Link |
Eliza Thorn | Mr. Knauer | The purpose of this study is to find a correlation between the PTC tasting gene and the ability to distinguish between sucrose and sucralose, two sweet substances that travel the same neural pathway. | All AMHS Students | <10 mins | Survey Link |
Evie Heath | Mrs. Renes | The goal of this study is to determine the next wave of voters’ knowledge on foreign policy. | All AMHS Students | < 5 min | Survey Link |
Evie Walldorf | Mr. Knauer | The purpose of this research is to see the correlations between subdivisions of perfectionism with in peoples academic versus athletic lives. | All AMHS Student-Athletes | <10 mins | Survey Links (2) |
Frederick Browning | Mrs. Smith | Students will answer questions about confidence | All AMHS Students | <5 min | Survey Link |
Garrison Gray | Mr. Knauer | The purpose of this study is to investigate the effects of Thorne’s Stress B-Complex on Academic Magnet student’s stress levels and how they correlate to academic performance. | All AMHS Student 16 or older | 60 day study | Survey Link |
Haley Weber | Mrs. Smith | Survey to identify track atheletes who are willing to participate in a study about the effect of music on an aspect of performance. | Academic Magnet High School track athletes | 5 minutes | Survey Link |
Hannah Finley | Mr. Knauer | The purpose of this survey is to discover the ways Highly Sensitive People rely on music to regulate their emotions, especially their heightened stress. | All AMHS Students | <10 mins | Survey Link |
Henson Norvell | Mr. Knauer | The goal of this survey is to collect information for my study of high schoolers views on the US and Space Exploration. | All AMHS Students | <10 mins | Survey Link |
Hunter Kuhnell | Mrs. Smith | Participants will first answer questions about their behaviors regarding phone use while driving then take the HEXACO personality inventory | Academic Magnet High School student drivers | <10 mins | Survey Link |
Isabelle O’Leary | Mr. Knauer | This survey aims to understand color as it is used for visual consumers. | All AMHS Students | <5 minutes | Survey Link |
Izabella Heise | Mrs. Smith | Sweep survey, just getting in interest forms to those willing to participate and those who have migraines | Academic Magnet High School Students with Migraines | <5 min | Survey Link |
Jack Troy | Mr. Knauer | The purpose of my research is to explore students’ motives for choosing different colleges. | All AMHS Juniors & Seniors | <5 minutes | Survey Link |
Jenna Hallaba | Mrs. Smith | Seeking AMHS students willing to participate in an experiment about study methods. Participants who complete the study will be eligible for 2 hours of community service. | All AMHS students | < 5 mins. | Survey Link |
Keaton Murray | Mr. Knauer | The purpose of this survey is to evaluate the extent to which the positive relation of achieving tendency with relationship success is correlated to adolescents’ ego coming from the United States. | All AMHS Students | <15 minutes | Survey Link |
Keny Vargas Mateos | Mrs. Smith | The nature of this study is to perceive how the mental health of students were impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic | All AMHS students | 5-10 minutes | Survey Link |
Kimberly Do | Mr. Knauer | The purpose of this research is to gain insight on the possible correlation between time/speed and mistakes in regards to typing for high school students. | All AMHS Students | <10 mins | Survey Link |
Lane Yarbrough | Mrs. Smith | Seeking AMHS musicians to participate in a study during lunch. 1 hour of community service awarded for completion | Academic Magnet High School Musicans | <2 min | Survey Link |
Lila Garrett | Mr. Knauer | The goal of this study is to find out if there is a correlation between sport nutritional knowledge among high school female athletes and their eating attitudes and behaviors. Additionally, I will be assessing whether or not sport type is correlated to sport nutritional knowledge or eating attitudes and behaviors. | All AMHS Female Student-Athletes | <5 minutes | Survey Link |
Logan Burns | Mrs. Smith | Survey seeking male participants who are willing to log how they feel. 2 weeks with cold showers and 2 weeks with normal showers. This will be used to figure out whether or not cold showers have an effect on the attitudes of male teenagers. | All AMHS Male Students | <2 min | Survey Link |
Louisa Garrett | Mr. Jent | The goal of this survey is to gather data regarding academically driven students’ attitudes towards reading for pleasure (RFP), along with motivations, and to identify any major boundaries hindering students from RFP. | All AMHS Students | <5 minutes | Survey Link |
Luke Napolitano | Mrs. Smith | Participants will answer questions to determine their llevel of engagement and perceptions surrounding photo manipulation | Female Academic Magnet High School students familiar with photo editing/ use social media actively | <5 min | Survey Link |
Lyla Enter | Mr. Knauer | The purpose of this study is to measure whether those that are religious and secular find similar themes in movies with religious subtext. | All AMHS Students | <10 mins | Survey Link |
Maxine Lussier | Mr. Knauer | The purpose of this survey is to gauge and explore teenagers’ views on vigilantism. | All AMHS Students | <5 mins | Survey Link |
Megan Massie | Mr. Jent | The goal of this survey is to have a more in depth view of how different types of exercise affect the mental health of high schoolers so that we can better understand the relationship high schoolers have with exercise. | All AMHS Students | <5 min | Survey Link |
Meredith Finley | Mr. Knauer | The purpose of this survey is to provide information for a study exploring arts school dancers’ positive and negative experiences with perfectionism. | Only SOA Dance Majors | <20 mins | Survey Link |
Molly Quinlivan | Mr. Knauer | The purpose of this survey is to find participants for a short in person study on the effects of emotional materials on performance in the classic economic experiment called the “Ultimatum Game”. | All AMHS Students | <15 minutes | Survey Link |
Noah Orza | Mrs. Smith | The nature of this study is to explore how social media marketing is targeted towards adolescents and how advertisements affect healthy food perception. | All AMHS students | 5 minutes | Survey Link |
Quinn Enright | Mrs. Renes | The purpose of this study is to gather data regarding a possible correlation between Exercise and Self-Esteem | All AMHS Students | <15 minutes | Survey Link |
Raymond Wang | Mr. Knauer | The purpose of this survey is to collect the data from participants who have played my game to gain insight on how having a health bar affected player’s behavior playing my game. Additionally, I will ask additional questions like gender and experience to aggregate the data received. | All AMHS Students | <10 mins | Survey Link |
Sacha Skaff | Mrs. Renes | My research project explores the possible correlations between playing the piano, balancing a rigorous schedule, and creativity levels. | All AMHS or SOA Students | < 10 minutes | Survey Link |
Sanna West | Mr. Jent | The goal of the survey is to determine the correlation between a student being an only child, the type of sport they play, their stress levels, and the type of parenting they recieved. | All AMHS Students | <5 mins | Survey Link |
Sofia Gillum | Mrs. Renes | The purpose of this survey is to gain an understanding of algorithms on X that affect your everyday feeds and the political ideologies that are being cycled through your activity, as well as the risks associated with interacting with such content. Your input will provide needed insight. | All AMHS Students | < 3 mins | Survey Link |
Sophia Benich | Mrs. Renes | The goal of this survey is to collect information on student understanding of processed foods in general and processed foods in their diet. | All AMHS Students | <5 min | Survey Link |
Sullivan Richardson | Mr. Jent | The purpose of this study is to gather data regarding examine the extent to which gifted students are able to interpret activist messaging in hip hop music. | All AMHS Students | <20 minutes | https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSf2RniDi_qfVuowyuOXrNubug0S6CK_yx1iIGJTlbelqyNvWQ/viewform?usp=sf_link |
Talia Barsness | Mrs. Smith | Seeking students to complete a 15-20 minute survey about perceptions about plant based diets. | AMHS students who do not follow a vegitarian, vegan or plant based diet. | <20 mins | Survey Link |