In a school where everyone’s on their individual grind, it’s great to see these duos putting their heads together. They’re partners in crime, each other’s biggest fans, and usually the last ones to finish an assignment because they couldn’t stop making each other laugh. So, get ready to meet the line up that particularly stands out!
To start off we have the well renowned John Thomasson and John Lewis Silveston. This name-twinning duo can be found at Chipotle munching on burritos and on the lax field in the spring. They tell me they get along so well because they both have very chill personalities. They have been friends since preschool, but their connection really sparked freshman year. I certainly hope they stay friends forever.
Let’s continue with Amara Buelk and Ava Cauthen. Amara reports, “they met through Aiden Ball in ninth grade,” and that they “get along because they are basically twins.” What a classic! They are said to be found wandering the halls, talking to teachers, and beating drums, as they are both Dirty Birds. However, outside of school, this duo can be found walking downtown, hanging at the beach, and working together at a deli! What fun ladies.
Mia Wang and Helin Bilgis are up next. Mia shares a heartwarming story with us: “Helin was friendless freshman year, so out of pity, I allowed her to sit with me. She was just so lonely. Ever since that day she sat with me, we have been very tight.” They tell me they work so well because “we match each other’s freak. We’ve gone bald together.” Mia informs us that she admires Helin because she is very supportive of her dreams. In school they can be found in the bathroom with Mia braiding Helin’s hair, in Mr. McCormick’s room studying for anatomy, in the cafeteria cutting freshmen in line, and in the hallways gossiping. Outside of school, they can be found spending money in many places: cafes, clothing stores, restaurants, and more!

Now let’s talk about a controversial duo: Everett Landrith and Chloe Trowman. This cross gender duo definitely intrigues the class of 2025. They can be found laughing up a storm in marine science or grinding on work in AP Government. They have been good friends since freshman year, but became closer friends over this summer. Everett says that he gets along so well with Chloe that he had to block her on Snapchat so they didn’t talk too much. Everett loves to watch Chloe slay on the tennis courts. Chloe smiles thinking about her fabulous friendship. I sure hope these two raptors have a connection for infinity.

If you don’t know them, you have definitely heard them loudly giggling in the hallways. Sousa Waggoner and Elizabeth Hample are as dynamic as it gets, and although they “are not everyone’s cup of tea,” they are definitely each other’s. Sousa happily shared, “My grandma introduced us to each other at church when we were approximately seven years old. We get along well because we are both funny, like the same music, and are very self realized people.” They can be found in the senior lounge, where they spend a lot of time looking for snacks. Sometimes, they play the crossword together. Every Friday morning, they can be found drinking the coffee and eating the bagels that they picked up on the way to school. What a cute bestie tradition!! Out of school they are always together: they love to get food, sit in the car with friends to eat said food, see movies, go to concerts, go to their friend Lily’s house, and go to Five Below to play with slime.
Isla Todd and Aliza Zhang: This pair of besties particularly warms my heart. To know them is to laugh with them! Aliza says they became inseparable during summer scholars when Isla’s printer wouldn’t work and Aliza printed out the AP Human Geo summer work for her. Aliza is not so humble about her relationship – she claims they are “duo goals.” When asked about their companionship, Isla says they are the class golden retriever and black cat duo. I wonder who is who? When together, their favorite hobby is making slime, but Aliza says Isla always messes up the consistency. Do better, Isla!
While Jack Troy and James Benetti are more the silent type, they really are quite the personality when paired together. I will admit getting to know them is a particular challenge, but it is definitely worth it! Jack says that they met at Cario Middle School, and James says that he doesn’t remember when they met. How cute! This duo can be found sitting awkwardly in a corner or jamming to Olivia Rodrigo in the car. James tells me that he loves when they get dinner together. #goals

Although this article was intended for pairs of besties, this couple is too much of a duo to not include. To finish this article off, we have Cate Arrants and Sawyer Quertermous. These seniors actually met during summer swim in elementary school, how adorable! Cate says they get along well because they “enjoy the same things and make each other laugh.” If you want to catch this class of 2025 staple, look for them chatting by the water fountain or in the guitar hallway. Outside of school, they love to go to the beach and out to dinner! May we all find the Cate to our Sawyer or the Sawyer to our Cate one day!
We have only scratched the surface of the epic duos of the class of 2025, so if you want to read more about your peer’s relationships, drop a comment and share this article for a part two!