Since its release in 2009, Minecraft has risen to be one of the most popular games of all time. Constant updates and releases of new content have kept their audience captivated for fifteen years, and with the introduction of new mods, there’s an endless number of things to create. Imagination is truly the limit in this game – anything can be made, as long as resilience is a part of it.
The game has two different main modes – survival, the builder is dropped into a strange new world and their skills in mining, crafting, farming, and fighting are put to the test, and creative, where the player is given free reign over the world to create and destroy whatever they wish. Several AMHS students have put their creativity to the test, constructing amazing builds, and a few were willing to put them on display. Here are some of Magnet’s best Minecraft builds!

The first builder wishes to remain anonymous, and they sent in an image of a cozy cottage that they claim to have built in twenty minutes. It’s a small, lightly decorated structure with some exterior features, and was inspired by mushrooms. When asked what the inspiration behind their building idea was, they said, “my friend named Mike really likes fungus and mushrooms so I built him a house and this is it.” It’s a very cozy and comfortable looking house, so I’m sure that Mike loved it.

Up next, a build from Luke Williams from the class of 2026, with an image of a sandstone well. According to Luke, “This serene and tasteful well provides water for an entire village, maybe even two. The well put together sandstone slabs and blocks are dripping with engineering mar-well.” He was inspired to build it because he was thirsty, dropping a few elaborate sentences about how the idea of drinking water at the moment sounded “appealing on a level previously unknown to humanity.” Incredibly insightful. Thanks to Luke for sharing his build.

The next submission was made by Vinay Ammal Kaidery, a freshman. This submission, a recreation of the International Space Station, proves that not even the sky is the limit when it comes to Minecraft. Apparently, it was just that which inspired him to create this build – when asked for the motivation, all that was said was “The ISS.” It’s a very nice build, which offers a pretty nice contrast to the ones that have been shown off so far.

Peyton Schultz, a senior, was also kind enough to send some photos of a building she made over the last summer with some friends. Though she doesn’t have any pictures of the exterior of the building, she shared some photos of the interior of her church, which was built to show off the lore of the Minecraft server. The church is dedicated to an unknown fictional deity known as the Living Saint, and was frequently decorated and redecorated for various events that happened on the server – the event pictured being a wedding.

Freshman Benjamin Fox also submitted some pictures of a very impressive build, a massive colosseum generated through a computer program. According to him, the builds were generated by his computer based off of different 3D models, which is a truly unique way of going about creating something in the game. He submitted a variety of different builds for this one, all generated in the same way – some with color and some without, some with structures resembling towns and other similar colosseums. Regardless of the design of these structures, they all look incredible and Benjamin’s 3D modeling will be fun to see in the future!

I also have a series of builds to showcase for this article, all of them built for a Minecraft server that the AMHS Gaming Club had a few years back. The idea behind the server was that it took place on a recreation of Earth itself, with each different continent being represented. Players from across the grades set off across the world to create their own empires and countries, and I was no different – staking my claim on the island of Madagascar. I built a small town, going for a sense of a tropical vibe, and while it is not the most impressive build on this list, it was created with a whole lot of love and passion.
Of course, there is one incredibly important build that we cannot leave out – though this structure was made by Magnet alumni, it continues to remain one of the most iconic builds ever made by our students. Alumni Coltrane Margosian, Nicholas Edwards, and Jay Mirman created a full-scale version of the AMHS campus in Minecraft, paying close attention to detail for each and every classroom, though some of this information is now outdated. Coltrane, a former writer for the Talon, wrote his own article on this project – his discussion can read it here.
Though AMHS is a school mostly geared towards academics and studying, there is still a lot of creativity to be found among the student body. Each student here has a different way of expressing their love for the act of creation, and for the students shown above, their method is showing their artistic abilities through the medium of Minecraft. Whether one chooses to join a new server and build the greatest thing anyone has ever seen, or just wants to mess around with some new ideas, there is something for everyone in this game.
Though the game is nearly sixteen years old, there is no shortage of new content, and even when it falls out of popularity, it is always bound to rise to the top again. New updates are being released all the time, so it’s never a bad time to pick up a new copy of Minecraft. It’s a great outlet for creativity. New builds are waiting to be designed.