Welcome Raptors to the only guide you will need to the AMHS Student Section (aka the Birdcage). Our first game was this past Friday, and the theme was green out (possibly inspired by CharliXCX’s new album?). Students showed up at 7:30 pm dressed to the nines in greens of all shades, with some Raptors even covered in paint! During the game, our Senior spirit leaders led the way to a great time, but unfortunately, we didn’t have full participation from the underclassmen. It’s okay though, since this was probably due to the fact that the freshmen weren’t briefed on the chants of the Birdcage. Here are all the things you need to know when participating in the football game school spirit:
Where to stand: When you get to the student section, the stands are organized with freshmen towards the top, then sophomores, juniors, and finally seniors with spirit leaders in the front. Throughout the game, the spirit leaders may start chanting “Freshmen move back!” which simply means step back until the chant stops and everyone has enough space.

Spirit: Make sure to dress up and get loud!! If you are not participating in the chants then you probably shouldn’t be in the student section. According to the spirit leaders “GET LOUD OR GET OUT!!” The themes are announced on @amhsstuco on Instagram a couple of days before each game, but for reference, the next home game on September 6th is USA-themed, and Homecoming will forever be blackout-themed. This year’s spirit leaders are: Chloe Trowman, Adi Katan, Katie Sheffield, Street Wilson, Joey Schady, Elizabeth Hample, Sousa Waggoner, and Lily Thompson. Pay attention to them throughout the game since they will be guiding each of the following cheers:
Raptors in the front, let me hear you grunt!
Raptors in the middle, let me hear you sizzle!
Raptors in the rear, let me hear you cheer!
(progressively get faster, end with cheers)
-Raptors! Strap in!
(Pretend like you are on a roller coaster! Follow the spirit leaders)

-Raptoooors, are you ready? To pump it up, to pump it up, to pump it pump it pump it up! (everyone)
Freshmen, are you ready? To pump it up, to pump it up, to pump it pump it pump it up! (freshmen only)
Sophomores, are you ready? To pump it up, to pump it up, to pump it pump it pump it up! (sophomores only)
Juniors, are you ready? To pump it up, to pump it up, to pump it pump it pump it up! (juniors only)
Seniors, are you ready? To pump it up, to pump it up, to pump it pump it pump it up! (seniors only)
-Raptors football touchdown score oooooooh!
(chant when we are near the end zone, progressively get faster)
-We love our boys!
(only chant this at the end of the game)
– Shhhhhhh! *insert name*! SPEECH!
(everyone gets silent and lets the chosen person say what needs to be said)
Remember that we still need to be serious about the CCSD code of conduct. Since you are at a school-sanctioned event, we need to follow the school rules. Bring CLEAR bags, don’t bring outside food and drinks, and stay appropriate. But finally, have loads of fun and don’t forget to bring your school spirit!!