While the upperclassmen had their elections at the end of last year, the freshman class just had their speeches and the results are in! As we all know there are 4 positions: secretary, treasurer, vice president, and president. There were a total of 19 people running but only four lucky and qualified people won the elections. The freshmen gave their enticing speeches in the lecture hall during study hall on the 14th! They were then given less than a week to deliberate and vote for their preferred candidate.

First, let’s meet the freshman class secretary Trig Northrup!!!! During the class meetings, Trig is in charge of taking vital notes for the rest of the council. He will write what is covered, the various discussions, and outcomes, ensuring that nothing is overlooked in the class meeting.

Now let me introduce the freshman class treasurer Siqi Fang!!!! With the various events run by the classes, the money has to be regulated accordingly. Without the treasurer, the freshman class would be without money for Wall Day and class activities. Siqi’s dedication to her class will ensure the freshman’s class success and enjoyment!

Coming up next is the freshman class vice president Andrew Spann!!!! The vice president is responsible for helping the president manage and delegate tasks. He will be in charge of helping organize events for the class. These will include fundraising initiatives and community service projects to help improve the freshman class spirit and cohesion.

Last but certainly not least is the freshman class president Christian Crescenzo!!!! As the face of the freshman class, Christian Crescenzo has the qualities to lead and work to achieve active participation in school events, like Battle of the Bands, Chant Challenges, and Spirit Week! The president also has the responsibility of being a part of the Executive Council, meaning he will have to work with the other grades to improve events for the total student body. Christian is “grateful for the support” he has received and can’t wait to see what the year holds.
Here is a quick update for the freshman class! The new freshman student council has its first meeting on Wednesday, September 20th, and is very excited for the new year. With Spirit Week approaching Christian wants anyone who has ideas for wall day to email him at crechr2030@ccsdschools.com! The freshman council hopes to try and achieve many exciting things for the year and can’t wait to see what happens. Congrats to the new freshman class council! I’m looking forward to seeing how your class progresses throughout the year!