Top 5 Spirit Week Themes
Spirit week is Magnet’s most unique and enjoyable tradition. The dedication, creativity, and competition makes Magnet’s spirit different from other schools. For two separate weeks every year, spirit week makes Magnet shine. Most of the dress up themes change every year. Repeat themes are always: Harry Potter day, Generation day, and Wall day. Most magnet students agree that Wall day takes the cake for the most fun and competitive day of the week. Because each grade chooses a different theme every year, Wall day will not be considered in this ranking.
1. Generation Day
Generation day has been a spirit week staple for years. Students dress up as members of each generation according to their grade. Freshman dress up as babies, Sophomores dress as toddlers, Juniors dress as middle aged parents, and seniors dress as senior citizens. Pictures from years back show seniors going all out for this day. From real walkers to life alert bands, the senior outfits often walk the grey area between hilarious and offensive. Seniors have “fallen” down stairs, held up the hallways, and given out hard candy to the underclassmen. The middle aged theme for juniors is also great. They dress up in dad shoes, long cargo shorts, yoga attire, and other parent-themed clothes. Sophomores dress up as toddlers in onesies and slippers. Freshman dress as babies with bibs and binkies. If I could change anything about this day, I would change the sophomore theme to middle school/prepubescent. I think high socks, Sketchers, and neon athletic clothing would really separate the dress up between the Freshman and the sophomores.

2. Coachella Day
This theme is inspired by the popular music festival, Coachella. Freshmen, sophomores, and juniors dress in colorful festival clothing. The seniors spin off the theme and dress as security guards. Seniors fulfill their security duties to the fullest. They enact strict security protocols, including frisking, crowd control, and other intimidation tactics. Festival goers must do their best to avoid these security tyrants, but look forward to a wonderful Coachella performance at lunch. A few musically gifted students volunteer to perform songs at lunch. This lunch concert is the best part of the day because students go all out, forming mosh pits and singing along to popular tunes. Some say this lunch festival rivals Coachella itself.
3. Greek vs Greek Life
Greek vs Greek Life is a dual theme where students can choose to dress as Fraternity or Sorority members or ancient Greeks. This day is filled with togas and unbuttoned shirts. Hallways become a maze of backwards hats and golden wreaths. Greek vs Greek life is great because nearly everyone has something to wear from their house.
4. West Coast vs Wild West is another dual theme that is based around past and present styles of the West. Wild West dressers tote cowboy hats and boots while West coast dressers often emulate the West coast hip hop scene of the 90’s and 2000’s, wearing baggy clothes and chains. West coast dressers can also dress as aspiring Hollywood actors or musicians. This is another flexible theme that has great creativity. This day also includes a rap battle at lunch.

5. Jersey Day
Jersey day is the third dual theme that makes this list. This theme includes both sports jerseys and Jersey Shore outfits. Students either show off their favorite sports team or their best impersonation of characters from the Jersey Shore TV show. Its ease of dressing up and the many different creative outlets push it to the top 5. This theme can only be accurately described by pictures from past spirit weeks.