Mrs. Eicher Wins $20,220 worth of Trips and Cash on Wheel of Fortune

On Monday night, AMHS students gathered around the television to watch Mrs. Eicher on “Wheel of Fortune.” She did a fabulous job, winning $20,220 and trips to Belize and Puerto Rico. Mrs. Eicher started out strong, figuring out the phrase “Completely Relaxed” and earning $1,000. In Round 1, she earned $5,200 by guessing the letters N, E, A, and L correctly before losing all but $1,000 to a Bankrupt. Her competitor, Robert, won that level by figuring out the phrase “Recording a Live Album.” Mrs. Eicher entered Round 2 with $1,000 and guessed the letters F, I, and L to figure out the phrase “Blowing Off A Little Steam Room.” She also spun a trip to Belize to boost her total to $12,570 after Round 2. Mrs. Eicher increased her winnings to $20,200 and a trip to Puerto Rico in Round 3 by uncovering the phrase “Unbeatable Weather.” By this point, she had around a $14,000 lead and AMHS students knew their teacher was on the verge of winning the game. After two more quick rounds, Mrs. Eicher sealed the victory and moved on to the $100,000 Bonus Round. She was given the letters _ _ S _ T _ _ E _ _ E _ and guessed G, F, P, and O to try and fill in the blanks in order to make her guess of the phrase easier. P and O were in the phrase, giving her P O S _ T _ _ E _ _ E _ . Unfortunately, Mrs. Eicher was only able to guess the first word “Positive,” leaving her empty handed in the bonus round. However, Mrs. Eicher did not seem too sad about this loss, because she is now $20,220 richer and has multiple countries to visit this summer.