Cooking with Teagan: My Journey to Gordon Ramsay Status

the tasting committee

First things first, I hate those recipe articles where you have to scroll forever to get to the recipe, so here’s the recipe I used.

So for backstory, this whole thing was started when I found one of those viral TikTok recipes. It had cookie dough and brownie batter swirled together into one delicious looking pinwheel brookie (cookie brownie hybrid.) Now, I am not a cook. Or a baker. But after being inspired by TikTok, I figured I’d start a little “Cooking with Teagan” article to practice a new skill and share it with the student body. Plus, it looked easy enough. I thought that this was the perfect recipe to start my journey to become a female Gordon Ramsay.

the first roll…

Now, I could have made the cookie and brownie batter from scratch, but I didn’t want to be too ambitious. I whipped up my brownie batter and rolled out pre-made cookie dough into a flat square. Other than getting flour everywhere, things had gone alright so far. I decided to chill the batter before I put it onto my dough square which was definitely the move. My one tip if you made this recipe is to chill everything! It helps so much. After the batter had chilled, I applied a layer of it onto the cookie dough and rolled it up. The people on TikTok had done it with no problem so easy enough right? Wrong. My brownie batter was oozing from the sides of my roll, there was flour everywhere from me rolling out my concoction, and as I slowly and carefully wrapped my dough into the brownie batter, it broke and left a huge puddle of batter on the cutting board. After I wrapped that monstrosity of a roll with cling wrap and put it into the freezer, I retried with some more cookie dough I had on hand. This roll went a lot better. Vastly improved with no holes, this roll was good in the way a kindergarten art project that your parents would hang up on the wall was good. Loved and showed off, but objectively still subpar. Either ways, the second roll was wrapped and placed in the freezer to chill too. After that, I unwrapped them, sliced them, baked them, and finished up the recipe.

look at that swirl!!

Now, for the results. The good, the bad, the traumatizing. As Chef Gordon himself said, “For what we are about to eat, may the Lord make us truly not vomit.” Though the TikTok cookies looked so perfect with their little perfect swirls, my cookies did not quite measure up. I tried to console myself by taste testing them, but then I remembered I literally used a mix and pre made batter so of course they’re going to taste good. Though most of them looked like my dog had taken a dump on top of a normal chocolate chip cookie, there were some that I managed to get a perfect swirl on! I was very proud of myself for those. All in all, I would qualify this first “Cooking with Teagan” article a slight success. Though the product was not the prettiest, InĂ©s complimented the brownie swirl saying “it was a nice added twist, and nice overall surface area of cookie” which definitely helped my cooking ego. I did try one myself, and I have to say they were pretty good. But also, who doesn’t like a cookie? Stay tuned for next time! Signing off, xoxo, Chef Teagan <3

the best batch out of them all