Coronavirus: Where Are We Now

Covid 19 more like Covid Annoying

What the media doesn’t want you to see…

Well… here we are. Week #3 of the Coronacation is over, and I, for one, am tired of everyday blending into the next in an incessant river of time. I never thought I would say it, but I want to go back to school. As I am writing this article, there are 214,461 cases of Rona in our country and 981,647 worldwide. While these numbers may appear daunting, it is important not to panic, as only a relatively small number of Americans have contracted the virus thus far. For example in New York City, the epicenter of the outbreak, only 562 people per 100, 000 have it (0.6%), and in Charleston, only 49 people per 100,000 have it (0.05%).  While COVID-19 is expected to last until the end of April, some models predict it could hang on until next spring. SO everyone, keep washing your hands to MITIGATE THE SPREAD.

This spread needs to be mitigated (NYT)


Will we go to back to school? Will we not go back to school? Will we go back to school? Will we not go back to school? These are the questions we ask ourselves everyday. Coronavirus was definitely not how I imagined finishing my Magnet career, and with the cancellation of all extracurricular events, the future of prom, class trips, and sports looks increasingly bleak. Plus, all short term rentals in the area have been suspended, leaving Magnet’s upperclassmen especially upset because of #nopromhouses.

School closures by state

New Heroes Emerge

By far the most humorous part of this whole order is watching celebrities get thoroughly trounced by their fan bases for going outside. I mean… it’s just so funny. Also, I would not be doing this article justice without mentioning the hero we did not deserve, but needed more than ever, Joe Exotic. If you are the 1% who has not yet seen Tiger King, you will be left speechless 100% guaranteed. The two other heroes I need to mention are Dr. Birx and Dr. Fauci aka Deb and Tony. I have never felt more of an emotional connection to anyone on TV, and if we had as many ventilators as Deb does scarves, Corona would be over for sure. While definitely not a hero, I often think of that one bat who had the power to shut down our planet. Just imagine… that power.

Tigers are bona fide #boomerremover protection

Looking to Future

As we all look towards the next four weeks, if not more, of Corona time, I want to part with three pieces of advice for anyone stressin.

– Keep your head up

– Focus on what you can control

– Remember many Americans are going through similar things

Shelter in place orders by state (NYT)